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About Me

As for the whole about me the basics are pretty simple. My name's Mark and I grew up in Whittier, CA where I lived with my parents till I was 18y/o and left for the Army. My best friends are Kris, Ray, and Becky. I played soccer for 10 years, and I still get to have fun playing every now and then with my platoon for PT every now and then. I like to listen to almost any music for the most part, with hip hop and rap being my prefered types of music. My favorite color is green(Go figure, favorite color is green and I'm in the Army, lol). My nationality is quite a mix, I have a backround of British, French, Irish, German, and Native American. Thats it for now, if you wanna know anything else hit me up.

My Interests

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I'll pretty much listen to any music, but rap would have to be my favorite.


Starship Troopers for sure, Super Troopers, Star Wars, and of course American Pie.


Don't really watch TV too much, I'm always just hanging out with my friends or playing some sort of sport to keep myself occupied.