Danny profile picture


A maltese, a rabbit, a hamster in my home...

About Me

19 yEaRs AgO, On 31St DeC, a SmArT, pLeAsAnT-lOoKiNg, NiCe gUy wAs BoRn.....19YeArS LaTeR hE'S nW sErvInG tHe NAtIoN n AwaItINg To eNrOl tO nuS BuSinEss In 2005...n ThAt's Me DaNnY.... mY InTerEsts R sUrFin neT, TaLkIn CrAp oN pHoNes, ON mSn oR Icq, plAyIN ALl BaLl GaMEs, jOggInG, aLl iNdOoR N OuTdOoR GaMeS, waTcHIn tV, HaNgInG oUt wIF fReNs, DoInG alL kiNdS oF ExCiTiNG tInGS... JaY ChOu, sTeFaNiE sun, jOlIn TsAi, S.h.e, 5566, lInKIn PaRk, aYuMI hAmAsAkI R My fAvOuRiteS

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people who share the same interests as me n those whom i very long never contact liao esp primay school frens,ppl formerly from yangzheng pri, qiaonan pri, tampines north pri, dunman sec, tampines jc... n lastly new, adventurous frens....