ahh,.,.pLaYn GuiTaR,DrUmZ ,ChaT,TxT not that much La NmN kC ako gno kTxT,nO0d T.V ,MaLL,StARbCkZ,MaGbSa nG kHit aNo,.
ahh any one,.,.fiL FreE 2 Ad Me Up [email protected],.. Created with mySpace Profile Editor
AlTerNatIvE,SloWjAm,SloWRoCk ,AlTeR - rOck,LAhaT nG MuSiC GuZ2 ko,hmm,.,TeA aNd SyMpahTy ,i ThInK God Can ExpLaIn,0n YouR siDe ,aLl My FrIeNdS,aRe You sAd ,HeRe In My Ro0M,So Far AwAy ,lOve AlonE,HomEcoMinG,
any kind of movies will do, .but im a bit moody on some movie, .^^
CSI, HBO, chanel [v], prison break, cartoon network, animax, axn, foxnews, cnn, animal chanel, jack tv, etc, and so on, .^^
the godfather, the bone, the amberroom, fhm, coono books, DC and marvel books, ometra, scarface
could be me,.,.i guess,.wahaha,.lol