ADD ME UP, G. [email protected].
I'm Peter Lawrence Douglas of Camberley, Surrey. I'm 21 years old, my birthday is the 1st of May. I was born in Stevenage, Hertfordshire.
I live in a house with my Mum, our two cats, a rabbit and various other things; such as lamps.
I drive a Fiat Punto called Goldilocks. (it's gold..)
I'm now way near as morose as this 'about me' will imply.
I'm in a real 'sort your life out' mood recently. I've just spent about 3 months with no car, no job and no money; it sucked. I've got a new car now, though. And I'm getting more job interviews. I'm generally feeling much better about everything. Which is good; I never really suited the wounded, brooding type.
I smoke. I drink more than my GDA for alcohol. Though, I seldom use drugs. (Not that that makes up for me being a dirty smoker, borderline alcoholic.)
I'm really lazy. I often can't find myself being bothered to do even the most easiest of things, simply out of point. I mean, even if it's only ever going to be beneficial to me -- if it means going back upstairs, I won't do it.
I tend to keep myself happy enough to get by. I've had some sad stuff happen in my life; but I don't think I've ever been depressed. I try to find humour in everything.
I'm always looking for some comedic irony. Rarely to effect, though.
I have a bunch of awesome friends. Socially, I'm loving it this year- even if I'm passed out in my own sick.
Music wise, I mostly like older bands and artists. The majority of songs at the top of my playlists will have been written and recorded in the 60's and 70's. I'm not sure why I prefer that era of music. I came across it all accidentally, really; finding my Dad's old records and getting in to them. I've nothing against modern music, though. Don't bate me as a loser just because I don't watch MTV2 ;].
I hope you've enjoyed my 'about me'. I spend too much time writing things people won't read, so don't worry if you didn't get this far, or just glanced down at the last few lines to see if there was some proverbial pot of prosaic prose gold at the end of it all.
I have legs.
I like Ally. She writes stories like this:
"One day, there was a dragon called Lionel.
He fell over.
The End."