I am the product of a small town in Texas called Plainview. Everyone knows the town because they once drove through on their way to Lubbock or Amarillo. I love baseball and have ever since I was a kid. I am a die hard New York Yankees fan, and a big fan of UT. They will both be national champs in 08' HA HA. My sole purpose for life is God, my loving wife, family, and friends. I live to please. I am a 24 year old journeyman Electrician for S&S Electric. I have been married for a little over a year. I have two brothers, Landon (21), and Leighton (16). Landon is in the marines and will be coming home in july. Leighton is fixing to be a senior in highschool. My Dad is a heating and airconditioning contractor and my mother is a teacher at the Estacado here. I went to college at Wayland and played baseball for three years until I became an electrician. My goals include always improving my marriage, making money, and getting out of this town.
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