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About Me

For me, there's a subtle perfection in everything I do. I've got my own standards, my own way.
I was one of the authors of the Port Huron Statement (the original Port Huron Statement, not the compromised second draft). And then if you've ever heard of the Seattle Seven--that was me--and six other guys. I was also in the music business briefly as a Roadie for Metallica during their Speed of Sound Tour. Bunch of assholes. And then, you know, a little of this, and a little of that. To be honest my career's slowed down a bit lately.
I thought I was in love once, but true love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love, and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego, and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show, ready to double-team your girlfriend. Obviously, it wasn't true love with her.
Just because I don't have a girlfriend anymore doesn't mean I want to be set up, though. I mean, forgive me if I don't seem real eager to jump into a forced, awkward intimate situation that people like to call "dating." I don't like the feeling. You're sitting there, you're wondering, "Do I have food on my face? Am I talking too much? Am I interested? Even if I'm not really interested should I pretend that I'm interested in case she's interested. And am I supposed to kiss her? What signs should I be looking for? Cause the bottom line is that it's very difficult trying to read the situation and all the while you're just really wondering, "Are we gonna get hopped enough to make some bad decisions tonight?" And perhaps play a little game called "just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it feels."


My Interests

Dining Out, Napping, Stand-up Comedy, Weight-Lifting, Texas hold'em, Fantasy Football, Beer-League Softball,Pick-up basketball, the Harvard Classics, Beach Volleyball, Travel, Pets, Movies, Music, Hangin' at 545 or Whitefish, Night-life, the Minnesota Golden Gophers


Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Leonard Skynard, CCR, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, G n R, Pearl Jam, Bush, Prince


Caddyshack, The Big Lebowski, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Napoleon Dynamite, Super Troopers, Road Trip, Swingers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, The Ladies Man, Dazed and Confused, The Departed, Gladiatior, Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, The Natural, One on One, Original Star Wars Triology, Can't Buy me Love, Almost Famous, Rounders, Shawshank Rdemption, The Princess Bride,


Friday Night Lights, Chuck, Big Shots, Nip Tuck, Two and a Half Men


Pillars of the Earth, Tom Jones, The Hobbit


Henry Steele, Randall "Pink" Floyd, Tim Riggins, Aldous Snow,