I am a single mom with two children that I am extremely proud of. My 20 year old son Shane who with the help of my daughter-n-law Merry gave me my first grandson J.T., who is going to be spoiled rotten...as is already becoming evident...LOL. My son just joined the U.S. Army and is stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma at the moment (gotta make it through that bootcamp...LOL). My 14 year old (almost 15..as she likes to tell me often) daughter Brandi amazes me everyday with her maturity and her independence. She has been cheering since she was 5 yrs old and is currently a varisty cheerleader at her high school. She sometimes acts as if she is 21 already, but hey, didnt we all. I am part Cherokee Indian from my father's side of the family and English on my mother's side. I am very outspoken and very opinionated. People either love me or hate me...there is no in between. I am a democrat, although I wish we had a voice that wasnt afraid to speak their mind...even during election time. I do not beleive in any particular denomination of religion, however I could discuss the points of the bible with any one of them. I beleive that far too many people would rather believe what they are told rather than seek out the truth....like sheep to the slaughter. I believe that marijuana should be legalized if only to help the overpopulation of our prisons due mainly to mandatory drug sentences and also hope that someday more than 11 U.S. states will at least legalize it for medical usage. I have had a very interesting life so far (one day I will write a book, with names changed to protect the innocent), but by no means is the fun over. I have had several different kinds of jobs. In my early twenties I modeled lingerie for awhile, but gave it up when I got married (hindsight is 20/20...LOL). One of the most interesting jobs I had was managing an area nightclub for 5 years, but after tending to people for that length of time who could not hold their liquor (one of my big pet peeves), I decided to make a change and for the past several years have worked in an office type atmosphere. I am currently in retail management. Anything else you would like to know, just ask. Please send me a message before asking to be added to my friends list. After all, how can we be friends if I know nothing about you?PEACE, LOVE and TOLERANCE ~NAMASTE'~Are You A Johnny Depp Fan... If So Join The Best Group On Myspace... Deppaholics Euphoric Pleasure Pub aka...D.E.P.P. Click On Johnny To View Group!