Space Cowboy profile picture

Space Cowboy

I'm a transformer, I'm a robot in disguise

About Me

Weird. Funny. Trusting. Full of useless facts gained from a crazy past. Not forgetting that I am actually a Space Cowboy! I know that I will never stop learning. I know I will mess things up, that's life and its lessons. I would not change too much.

My Interests

Listening, I could sit and listen to people and the world for hours... People are one of the most interesting things in life and all to often we overlook them.

I'd like to meet:

People who can make me laugh, smile and who I can be open, silly and myself with. People who are also wary of the others.




I love films as much as I love playing Jim Croce on a hungover Sunday morning sipping herbal tea.Pedro Almodóvar, Martin Scorsese, Darren Aronofsky and Woody Allen. I love movies that set the feel of the place, like how Scorsesse captures New York. I love old romantic films, Humphrey Bogart is my epitome of Romance. I love Sunday matinées and midnight movies.


General channel surfer since I got sick I used to hate TV but have learned to make it my friend. I like to watch the Simpsons as much as the documentary or biography channel.


I have found a new love of searching the dusty shelves at those 2nd hand book stores. I love old British poets, biographies, history and classics from the past and future. I love David Sedaris to Robert Graves and all the music documentary books in the middle.


Many of my friends are my Heroes and I hope they know that. Turns out people I thought would be my heroes turned into being my demons. People who are true to themselves and their heart no matter what may come of it.

My Blog

a sight, a glimpse, into my mind into my many minds. Crazzee or me? will update this blog to make the above link make more sense tomorrow... its 3:30am I have just had to get up, not that I had yet got to sleep was just splayed out on t...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:52:00 PST

anyone know about M.E, Yuppy flu or Cronic Fatigue whatever name you give it???

So I got told today I have ME/CFS. I can not say I know much about ME or CFS other than the being super tired and bit sickly part add it to the other illnesses that make me a bit sick right now and ra...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:21:00 PST

2008 thus far

Its been so long since I wrote any kind of update and to be honest in the last couple of months I have been living in a whole and inside my own little bubble and not really been a very good communicat...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:15:00 PST

As someone special asked for a blog

So today I was meant to get up at about 8:30am this is a challenge for me of late, I have become the eternal sleeper and anyone who knows me or has spent any time with me will actually well know that ...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 03:22:00 PST

HOME...for the Birthday leave!!

I am so damn happy. They are loaning me 2 oxygen tanks to be able to go home for the weekend and MONDAY so I will not be stuck in this place on the day, I know its not a big birthday, i have no plans ...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:09:00 PST

my mobile has given up on me and life its dead

my mobile has had enough of hospital life much like me, but unlike me its given up its fight! so I can not turn it on today to get numbers, most numbers are on my laptop but will have to wait till to...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 04:02:00 PST

Hospital, AGAIN yes yes I know get better already!

As some of you may know I am back in. I don't get to the pc much as I can't walk, but today they placed me in a wheel chair in front of it while they change my bed so this is a short yet sweet hello.T...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 04:37:00 PST

If you think I have been quiet

So there I was other night, talking online to a friend of a friend for the first time ever, happy, watching a live feed of another friend playing a show in NJ, I remember Bryan getting me into a new d...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:05:00 PST

Anthony Nolan bone marrow register

I know not many people are a FAN of needles, but I know some of you give blood... For Christmas a very good friend of mine joined the Anthony Nolan Trust and it made me cry some (I am not a cryer). An...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:42:00 PST

It's a beautiful dynasty

Do you kiss your lover when you leave the house?Is this the last time that you'll see him?Are you sitting comfortable are you feeling proud?Are you turning heads when you shout?All my sorrows I give t...
Posted by Space Cowboy on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 10:20:00 PST