Alaina* profile picture


hiiiii =)

About Me

So within my short little life of 19 years... ive learned some pretty crazy things. *Trust noone but yourself* sooner or later they fuck you over and become people you never even knew..i think most people are stupid, followers and cave into peer pressure.. I would never let anyone tell me what i can and can't do..or what i should and shouldnt do... i was never really the type to be wild and crazy.. i guess you dont realize who you are until you have some time to yourself. The past few years I learned a lotttt about myself, and im not conceited at all.. i just honestly am happy with the person I became. =) I have common sense, and know right from wrong. I always do the right thing.. not even on purpose. I love my family more than anything. i love listening to what people have to say about everything! i think my generation suckkkkks.. and i shudda grew up in the 50s hehe If you give me a reason not to like you.. i could be the biggest bitch ever.. but if you treat me with respect i can be the coolest nicest person youll ever meet. I like to just lay low and have a good time with good people... life is too short to waste time by being depressed.. that just brings other people down with you. I was never interested in drugs or smoking anything i honestly dont see the point.. Life is SO crazy.. there are ups and downs.. and i enjoy them both bc thats life.. and i dont think you could learn anything if you dont suffer a little bit =) i CANNNOT wait to grow up. .. working and hanging with mah fammm <3 ... i get over things realllly quickly and i dont give a shiiiit about anything except my family yayyyy =) i couldnt live without music.. i enjoy being alone sometimes.. i like to sing, dance, workout, draw, shop, watch movies.. i LOVE goin on vacation.. when i get bored i clean,, or have fun with my clothes and hair and makeup but im not a girlygirl =) i like outgoing people who arent influenced by others, people who wanna go out and do things and have funnn and who have a sense of humor bc i like to laugh and make ppl laugh. NO! I DONT WANT TO MEET UP =) and i wont respond to someone who doesnt speak english or says YO MA WAS GUD. hmm get a life thanksssssssss <333333"Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. -Oprah"
LIKES!& DISLIKES!! - i LOVE Men!! sexy strong men! teheh ok but seriously i like guys who have a personality. who can have fun whenever and where ever! guys who dont care what other people say or think. funny guys who can keep me entertained.. romantic guys are cuteee, guys who arent little bitches that take long showers and hours to get ready..ew,, guys that dont get grossed out by bugs n feet n things... guys who arent afraid to speak their mind!! Clean guys. Mature guys. Smart, responsible guys. Guys who love and are close with their family. Guys who arent afraid of PDA =) dont like druggies,, cant stand liars, wouldnt waste my time!i LOVE and NEED affection hehe ohhh and they gotta have strong arms. mmmmmm yayyy find me onneeeeeee

My Interests

I'd like to meet:





The Complete Quiz For Everything
Have you ever wanted someone so badly that it hurt: Noope
Have you ever kept them in your mind for hours: Probably on and off
Have you ever told that person how you felt: Nope
Have you ever pushed so hard that you felt you were going to break: No
Have you ever felt like the world was just out to do you in: I think so
Have you ever felt like every friend you had didn't like you: Yupp
Have you ever felt like you was a thousand miles away from your friends: on vacation? lol
Have you ever felt so miserable that you wanted everyone to disappear: Yeah like once
Have you ever thought that it was all just a dream: yeahh that wud be cool tehe
Have you ever thought about the others that may have it worse: yeah =(
Have you ever thought about the people who truely care: uhmm nope
Have you overlooked the ones that really try to help you: No
Have you ever gave the one that really wants you a chance: iTs a 2 Way Streeet
Have you ever just smiled all day: haha wtf no
Have you ever stayed alone when you knew you wanted someone next to you: sure
Have you ever layed in bed at night wishing you had someone in your arms: Of Course!!
Have you ever dreamed of having a family: i do have a family
Have you ever fought so hard that you couldn't even move: no
Have you ever woken up from a deep sleep and couldn't move or talk: uhmm dont think so
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: i think once or twice
Have you ever had someone close to you die: nope
Have you ever saw your friends in pain: yup =(
Have you ever helped your friends in pain: tried to yeah
Have you ever dreamed of being someone else: Nevvvva
Have you ever had a dream that you didn't want to wake up from: OMG YESSSSSS =)
Now For The Rest Of The Questions
Do you like where you are in life: yup, so far so goood
Do you have many friends: Nope
Do you get along with your family: yesss
Do you get along with your friends: yupp
Do you have a best friends: yeeeaaa <3
Do you travel: Yup lots
Do you have friends across the globe: only a few
Do you have goals: Yes! duhh
Do you have regrets: not really no
Do you like someone right now: Nope
Do you know yourself at your core: Yesss
Do you ever want to be a part of a movie or game that you loved: i wanted to be in hairspray hah looked fun
The Where Questions: ok... lol
Where do you want to be in five year
Where do you want to live: Not here =)
Where do you want to travel to: Israel
Where is you mind when you secret admirer is talking to you: on him... lol
Where is the person you adore the most: in 5 yrs.. hopefully next to me
Where is your favorite toys: in my top drawer ;-)
Where do you go when you feel bad: my rooom
Where do you go when you are excited: haha idk
Where do you do when you are sad: my room probably.. i rarely get sad though
Where is all of your friends: in 5 years.. around =)
The what's
What is your favorite color: PiNKKKKK
What is you favorite time of the day: night time
What is your height: 5'4ish
What is your eye color: Hazel
What is your hair color: Dirty Blonde
What is you shoe size: 7 or 8
What is you finget size: i think 6
What is the length of your hair: middle of my chest?
What is your favorite outfit: sweatss <333
What is the name of your favorite hangout: its called Alainas Room
What will you do today: Go Shopppping!!
What will you do tomorrow: go into the cityy
What will you do three weeks from now: be in class.. EW
What is you favorite movie: sooo many
What is your favorite tv show: family guy
What is your favorite cartoon: family guy lol
What is your favorite genre of music: i like them allllll
What is your favorite song: the one im guna have playin at my wedding tehe
What is you favorite website: myspace or faceboook hmmmm
Now Just Some Random Questions
How old are you: 19
Do you go to school: yuuup NCC for now
Do you have any kids: nope
Do you like surveys: sure
Are you cussing as you fill this out: nope
Are you a myspce addict: yeah maybe hehe
How did you get this survey: bzoink duh
Will you pass this survey on to everyone on you list: nope
Is there any part of you that you wish you could change: i would be a lil taller n have smaller booobs n a lil bit bigger butt
What would you do with a million dollars: save it
Would you share your money with your friends: noooo
Would you help out your family: if they needed help
Do you cuss: yup
Do you smoke: nope
Do you drink: eh not really .. sometimes
Do you have a job: yeah
Do you wish you had a vacation: noo i vacation tooo much
Do you have a tan: its fading
Do you wish you had a tan: yesss
Have you ever camped out: noo
Have you ever camped out on a mountain: nope
Have you ever had an accident: not really
Do you have any scars: nopee
Have you ever had any stitches: noo
Have you ever been in the snow: lol yes
Have you ever seen snow: yeah
Have you ever seen the ocean: yuppp
Have you ever seen a volcano: not in person
Have you ever swam in a lake: hm in a canal ew
What about a river: ocean
A pond: nahh ew
Have you ever got something that you liked: lol yeahhh all the time
Have you ever got a gift from someone special: yup =) a few
Will you buy anything for valentines day: depends
Will you spend Valentine's Day with someone special: hopefully
Do you play an instrument: nope
Do you wish you played an instrument: noo haha
Do you hate this survey yet: nah
Have you ever fought with someone you like: yepp
Have you ever gotten anything from someone that inspired you: maybe just advice
Do you day dream alot: noooo
Do you live with your relatives: mom dad n sister
Do you wish you lived somewhere else: sometimes, this town sucks
Do you believe in yourself: yup
Have you ever been to a concert: yeaaaaaaah
Have you ever been drunk: its hard for me to get drunk...
Have you ever woken up not know what was going on: haha ehh nah
Have you ever woke up beside someone you didn't know: lolll no
Did you think you would get this far in life: yeahh
Do you want to go see a movie in the theatre: saw everything thats out already!!
Do you have a vehicle: yeah
Do you like it if you do: its not bad
Have you ever watched a dirty movie: yeah
Did you like it: its whatever
Are you a religios person: nope
Do you attend services: once a year lol
Do you eat alot of fast food: eh
Evey cried in public: onceee .. in like middle school
Ever fell in public: nah i never fall!
Ever kicked someone in the nads: nope lol
Do you have a nickname: Lain
Do you eat veggies: yuppp
Do you shave: yeah from the neck down
More than just your face: hah i dnt shave my face
What do you want to be when you get older: thinkin bout it... ill let u kno tehe
Do you like to be nice or mean: honestly.. sometimes being mean is fun.. but i love being nice =)
Do you fight with people alot: nah
Do you hide things from people: nooooo
Do you have any phobiah's: not really
Are you scared of the dark: nope
Have you ever been to Mardi Gras: no
Do you believe in life after death: on the fence who knowsss
Do you believe in re-encarnation: who knows
Have you ever hurt yourself and not known it till you saw it: maybe shaving
Ever had chicken poks: yeah lol aww
Ever dreamed you had superpowers: nope
What would you have: mind reader ahh i wish
What is your favorite meal: mashed potatos and ANYTHING tehe
Have you ever said something you type online: yupp
Ever been in a public group: huh
Do you have a bed time: nope
Do you have a curfue: yeah but its like 4am n the rents r usually asleep.. so NO?
Have you ever ran away: hah i think for like an hour once or twice
Did you graduate high school or get a G.E.D.: graduated
Do you own a blacklight: no
What about a lavalamp: a mini one.. somewhere
Do you like pictures: yesssssssss
What do you do when you are bored: clean, eat, surf the web tehe im a nerd
Do you stay on the internet alot: sometimes
Do you chat online alot: ehh kinda yeah
Do you like getting muddy: noooo
Do you shower daily: yepp
What kind of soap do you like: dove is the besttttt
Do you like gifts: yeahhhh
Do you like people for who they are: if theyre good people
Do you study for tests: not really .. usualy the night before
Do you play video games: no
Do you watch the science channel: noooo
If you passed gas, would you blame it on someone else: i dont pass gas =)
Do you like ice cream: loveeee it
What's your favorite flavor if you do: mint choc. chip & coffeeee
What kind of hair do you like in the opposite sex: not LONG,, nd brown
How about their height: taller than me
What about their eyes: brown, green, hazel
How about the way they dress: w.e. sweats r sexy on guys ahhh
What about their age: 21-25
Show size matter: does*... yes!
Would they be clean cut or rugged: clean cut when they need to be.. rugged is kinda sexy
Does their vehicle matter: not really,, cant be a peice of shit death trap
What about the way they talk: i dont like an attitude
Do you like long relationships or late night flings: relationships, or steady hook ups
If your friend needed help, would you be there: yup
Do you have any stuffed animals: a few around my room somewhere
Do you sleep in one position or do you move around: i think i move around lol i dunnnno
Do you love sleeping under covers: yes with the a/c blasting <333
Do you like it to be cold when you sleep: yupppp
Do you listen to alot of music: yeahh
How many CD's do you own: like 10000000
Can you sleep with the closet door open: yehh haha
Do you have a movie from your past that still scares you: nopee i am fearless teheh
Ever stayed up for more than 24 hours: yupp
Ever talked on the phone for over 4 hours: yeah good times
Ever driven for hours with no where to go: not hours.. maybe AN hour
Do you enjoy mac & cheese: sometimes
Do you wear a coat even when it isn't cold: nooo lol
Do you like being outdoors: yeh
Will you repost this so I can take this quiz for you: nooooooooo
So, do you know me: no
What is your name anyway: Alaina =)

My Blog


-Longest Survey Ever- *Basic Info* First Name:  Alaina Middle Name:  Eden Nickname(s):  Lainz, Lain Height: 5'5 Natural Hair Color:  Dirty Blonde Current hair color: Dirty Blonde N...
Posted by Lainyypoo on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:27:00 PST