About Me
swEEt lay0uts GoiNg tO the MoviEs wiTh uR frIends...$10, goIng shoPping WiTh ur FrieNds...$500-:-shaRing SecRets anD tAlkiNG abOut Boys...PRICELESS!!!-:-
Dear Vane,
We have known each other for 5 years now and you are the one person I know I can always count on for anything. We have been through alot of shit together, fights, hypocrites, tears, laughs, lies, truths, arguments, and conversations that have lasted until seven in the morning. I know that in the past I let the bad mouthing of others make me pop out with alot of negative things against you and that was totally unfair to you because you never did anything to deserve that from me of all people, the one that you considered her best friend!! I'm so sorry for that!!! You are the only one that I've truly trusted with all my secrets. You were the one that had all the patience in the world to stay up, at 5 in the morning i might add, and listen to my crazy ass dreams lmao!!! I know i can count on you to always have my back. And for the past years you have proved that. You always protect me and care for me when i let my stubborness get the better of me!!! Its so funny cuz i'm the older one of the two but you always seem to be covering up my stupid lil idiotic mistakes. lol!! I want you to know that you can always count on me for anything. I love as a sister and you know that i'll always be here for you. Remember what I told u the other day at my house, "best friends through thick and thin" i dont want that lame excuse "I didnt want u to get mad at me" because that doesnt work with me, u know u can tell me ANYTHING, no matter how bad it is!!! I will always help you and give u the best advice that i can!!! I love you with all my heart!!!
Luv always,
ur diet coke
Dear Marzy
Were do I start... we have been friends for as long as I can remember. Through the years are friendship has become stronger and continues to grow. The bond me and you have is more like sisters. You are always there for me when I need you and you always have an answer for my problems. We are always together and we still have stuff to talk about...lol! Your dad is always saying wut else are u guys gonna talk about lol! Well I love to listen to your dreams and stay up talking shit until seven in the morning because you are the only one I can do that with. Even though am younger than you I always feel like its my duty to look after you and the ones I love and so far I think ive done a good job. You know am always going to be here for you and when ever you have a problem I am going to be right there by your side. Ill be there through sad times,happy times,funny times,stupid times,and times when you just feel you need someone to talk to you and give you a word of advice. Me and you are more than friends we are like sisters and although people have tried to brake dat bond it remains strong and it always will. No matter what happens am here for you because like I said before "Whats Diet Coke Without Ice"!!!
Love Always,
ur ice
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Its Days LiKE thIs...whEre We sIt aRouNd & dO nOthIng...ThE mOmeNts we Laugh SO HArd tHat wE cRy...-:-tHe Way wE lOok AT eAch otHer & KnOW ExacTly whAts goIng thRougH ouR minDs...itS thEstuPid thinGs & inSide Jokes....tHats the REasOn whY we'Re InsEperaBle -:-
100 mEmoriEs; 200 JokeS; 300 grEat timEs; 400 seCretS; 1 ReasOn..-:-DiEt CokE & iCe-:-
iTs thE lil ThingS tHat mAtTer thAt Add uP in tHE eNd...-:-The PriCeLess thRilLinG mAgiC fouNd onLy iN a FrieNd!!-:-