Webmaster for FrancineDee.com -Hosting for Masuimi Max - IamTrouble.com -My Ride.Photo By Chris Carlo - Edited - VersionC.com - PIE.us Our Trist with Version C We had a Blast!
Japanese Swords, Kendo, Race cars, Formula 1 Racing, Golf?$..@???, Internet in general, PS gaming, Audio/video, Beautiful Asian Women!
I Met her, and she is my friend!... ( You know who you are ! )
Depeche Mode, The Cure, Love & Rockets, Dead Can Dance and Shiina Ringo!
Seven Samurai! - To many to List, Love to watch movies! HD baby!
Battlestar Galactica, The Shield, Just about anything SciFi or Asian related..
They still make them ?
Miyamoto Musashi, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Franicne Dee, Masuimi Max