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About Me

Hey, My names Dave (20) and im in my third year at Portsmouth uni. Im origonally from the chav infested hole that is known as Littlehampton, (not to far from Brighton, for those of you who don't no), so the less said about my home town the better. Uni life is the BEST! where else can you live with all your mates, spend money that you dont have to pay back for years, sleep all day, party night! and sit around playing mario cart intill your eyes turn to mush! I dont have that many hobbies because im a bit of a lazy bum fun times mainly consist of getting stupidly drunk with my friends, and laughing at the radom shit they do.

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My Interests

Football, Music, Clubbing, getting stupidly drunk with friends, cinema, kicking Mullins ass at Pro evolution (every time!), Mario Cart, Sians animal noises (ow yes!), eating deli, going to gigs, and drunken nights rounded off with meat and chips and some BO SELECTA, 'Here me now!'
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I'd like to meet:

.. You scored as Emo. Your Totaly Emo!



Rocker, Mosher








Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev



What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
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Bands ive recently seen include, Funeral for a friend, The Used, Story of the year, Bleed the dream, Killswitch Engage, Rise Against, Taking back sunday x2, Blink 182, , New Found Glory, FastLane, Panic at the disco, Fall Out Boy, Hidden in Plain view, The blackout x2, Armour for sleep, Lostprophets, Alexisonfire, Senses Fail, Underoath, saosin, Billy Talent,


Favourite films would consist of: Anchorman, Old School, American Pie, Road Trip, Donnie Darko (The King of all movies)l, Orange County, Battle Royal, Le Heine, Human Traffic, Freddy got fingered, I am Sam, The Shinning, kidulthood, the decent


Well lets see, hhhmmmmm, first of all the king of comedy Alan Partridge, (Partridge=God), The Office, 24, Two Guys and a girl, That 70's show, Family Guy, South park, BOTTOM, Scrubs, Peep Show!