Music, Playing Guitar, Recording, Mixing, Producing, Art, Electronics, Computers, Internet, Web Design, Graphic Design, Science, Human Relations, Politics, World Events/Affairs, and Tropical Fish
Anyone real.
I like all styles of music. Depends on my mood I guess!
The Rambo's, Rocky's, Star Wars, Star Trek's, Falling Down, School Of Rock, Ben Hur, Clash of the Titans, River's Edge, The Day After, Independence Day, Signs, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, The Decline of Western Civilization: The Metal Years, etc.
Breaking Bad, NOVA, History Channel, UFO Hunters, UFC Unleashed, The news, House, CSI Miami, Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Alex, The Steve Wilkos Show, Montel Williams, Maury, People's Court, MTV2's Headbanger's Ball, NASA, Talking Metal (VH1), The Soprano's, Packer's Football...
Don't read many "books" unless they are 1000 page user manauls for recording gear or computers, but I read a lot of music magazines and a lot of news and interesting things on the internet.
God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Linda Schroth, Nelda McClain, Mark McClain, Billy Milano, Michael Savage, The U.S. Military, Ronald Reagan, My family, and My friends.