Gumbo Productions Inc. is a bi-coastal Film/Television/Music Video Production company with producers in New York and Los Angeles. Gumbo provides production services for Network television and independent projects. The company is currently producing a television show that's being aired on the here! Network, is in pre-production of a short film and in development for a feature length film.The owners of Gumbo are Hashim Williams COO/Producer and Ani Williams CEO/Producer/Director/Writer. Hashim has an extensive background in Film and Television Production. An executive producer once said at a screening of a short film. "When Hashim is here I know everything will be okay". Ani Williams has a long history of production work, as well as, writing and directing. Because she is a producer first, when Ani puts on her director's hat she is able to work in a creative capacity without losing sight as a producer, thereby creating the best product for the budget. This sister-brother team is a rare and special production force.
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Christopher Hines~ Word, Sex & Fears Trailer.mp4