Michelle profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

MY BUSINESS!!!! www.dreamstocakes.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MySpace Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . I may be crazy but damn it love me for who I am!!!!

Myspace layouts from Pyzam.com

My Interests

I love movies, music, animals, art
Myspace Layouts

MySpace Icons
MySpace Icons

I'd like to meet:

Not Santa!!!!
Myspace Layouts


Myspace Layouts


Don't watch too much T.V. right now, they canceled all my favorite shows.....Bastards!!!


Horror books are about the only kind that can keep my attention. Maybe a little ADD?


Did you ever know that Meesa is the wind beneath my wings. She's really the best friend I've ever had. We get each other because we are so alike and for some reason she never gets tired of me and I never tire of her. She's my Meesa Meesa and I'm so glad she came up to talk to me at work. awwwwwMy mum is a definite hero to me. She's always been there for me. Helps me out when I need it even though I can never ask for it. She's always been such a great friend to me and I am so lucky to have such a loving mother and such a great child hood. I guess I didn't turn out too bad thanks to her.Chrissy Lou Who has been a life long friend of mine and she will always be my girl. No matter how much time goes by in between we always come back right where we left off. She's got so much pizazz and spunk and she really keeps you going. We'll always be great friends!!!