Motorcycles, waters sports/ any and every kind, Guns, cars, skiing, flying, backpacking, hiking, SCUBA diving, exploring, adventure, rock climbing, friends, video games, family, theatere, food, sailing, ect.
People who have an opinion and arnt afriad to share it. Thoes who live life and never look at the future. Sadly thoes are the hardest to keep in touch with and the easyiest to love. I want to chill with people who are old school but new age. free minded and carefree, baggage left at the door for someone else.
anything but opera and rap, everything else is mostly ok.... mostly
Superbad, Fastball, 300, Gladiator, The Itellian Job, Haldago, Jungle Book, ect.
SCRUBS, and Moderen Marverals (sp), How it's Made, Most of the stuff on discovery, or history chaneles. Yep, I'm a Nerd.... sigh.
Blue day book, Kindom for sale; sold, On a pale horse, With a green thumb, Holding an hourglass, the Art of War, IFSTA Essentials,
Heroes are oridnary people who are given an extraordinary opurtunity to do amazing things, if they act. Everyone has a hero in them, they just need to have the oppurtunity to act.