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Random acts of Funny

About Me

I have edited my layout at Crazyprofile.comI am a 25 year old single mom. My life revolves around my daughter, Riley, who is 3 years old. I love life, and have a blast with my daughter. She's my best bud that can't talk in sentences. She totally has my personality ( crazy, fun-loving, smart, and kind ). I love trying new things, and am very competitive. I try to be outdoors as much as possible, but still like to cuddle up and watch movies. I am a very stubborn German, so I don't give in easily.

My Interests

Dancing, kick-boxing, finger-painting, reading, acting, building, camping, and living life to the fullest.

I'd like to meet:

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Employee of the Month, Jack A** II, Dirty Dancing, The Incredibles, Mutiplicity, Pride & Prejudice, Gone in 60 Seconds, Dazed & Confused, Goodfellas, Queen of the Damned, Harry Potter, Under the Tuscan Sun, The Notebook, Casablanca, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the list goes on...


Heroes, Men In Trees, and Grey's Anatomy


I'm a sucker for Romance Novels


Audrey Hepburn, Johnny Cash, Humphrey Bogart, My Papa and Grandma.