My favorite pastime is to meet up with friends and have a few cocktails. As I said before just sitting and talking for a few hours is definite fun to me. A bar with darts or pool is a bonus. I work 5 nights a week, so my days off are days I like to try to go out and enjoy life. I love to ski and try to go as much as I can during the season. I am sad because I missed the entire season this year due to a sprained ankle from a St. Patrick's day accident! There is always next season... I am a HUGE Giants fan!!!! I have been a fan since the days of Will the Thrill, Kevin Mitchell, Uribe, etc. They are playing a little pathetically these days, but being from the bay area we are a little used to this after the sad season the 49ers had. True fans stay behind their teams all the way!!! I have become a football fan by default. Bartending on Sundays has thrown me into the entire football excitement!! I actually watch games and keep up with what is going on during the entire season! :-) As outgoing as I am, I also like to sit and read a book and realx! I am on my feet a lot at work and love down time to just sit and watch TV or just plain unwind. I can be very lazy!
I would love to meet somebody that is true to heart! I need somebody that makes me laugh! That really isn't that hard, I laugh a lot. A person that just likes to go out and do things, not necessarily with plans. Spontaneity is the key to life!!!!! Somebody that would love to pick up and go to napa for the weekend, the beach for the day, or hiking in the middle of nowhere!
My music style is in many different genres. I am a Phish-head at heart, but also love the Beastie Boys. I go to plenty of concerts and enjoy finding new music. I love dance music, something with a great beat!
I like action, drama, mystery, romance! I do have some issues with scary movies...