travel layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsSo who'd I like to meet... I could of course run down a laundry list of famous and influential people but that's a bit cliche, and has definitely been done. Instead I say I would like to meet me. Not the me that I see when I look in the mirror but the one that other people see. I asked a great friend of mine to write a poem for me, after a comment made about insatiable, and the task was given to write something for me about me... Now since that task given, the poem written has gotten a bit of attention so instead I went back to past rememberances and found this, written for me by the same friend...
Your words, laughter, action, movement intrigues me.
Enlightens me with unforseen interests in your thoughts and ways
My giddiness originates with the thought of you
And grows into an intense fondness, where thoughts manifest into my dreams
The beauty beyond your eyes creates a blindnes in mine.
I appreciate the value of you and that, Brown Sugar, is priceless
...Now, of course, I realise that this is not the only way people see me, some don't like me, be it from misconceptions or actually deeds, but it is always great to reflect on an loving image...
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