Lindsy profile picture


About Me

Well...... theres really not much to say about me---------- I have greenish brownish eyes, durty blond hair, and a two Rad ass cotton Candy pink streeks in the front. But thats about it! I'v always wanted to ride an eliphant (which i would never do because i'm to lame ass afraid) and i'v always wanted to sky dive hehe. all my life up until last summer i listened to NOTHING but hardcore christian music- YEAH so then i met this kick ass chick Linda who i am happy to call my best friend who loves maralyn manson and has terifically changed me into a groopy (if u could ever call us that) skewl sucks like ass~ my english teacher BLOWS BALLS and currently scares me every time she looks at me. (her face looks fake _-- it has been botoxed one to many times...........she smells........... and needs soem sureous help when it comes to her hair not that mine is too great but woooooooooow. and i SUCk at math!!!!!!!!! I'm not too much of a sports person but i play soccer and i LOVE to slide down the huge railings on main street. When it comes to food--- more is ALWAYS better! sometimes carls Jr. just hits the spot. But mcdonalds NEVER will!!!!! I couldn't live without starbucks and any kind of bread product with frosting has to eaten without utensils.OOOOOOOOO and if you didn't notice... im not excactly the walking dictionary I CANT SPELL WORTH BEANS

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

no one particularly maybe my dad ( if i want to be all mooshy) he comited suicide when i was three and it would be cool to compleatly know why!. maybe michael Jackson cause he used to write pretty great lerics.