Cool SlideshowsI lIkE tA cAmP aNy ThInG oUtDoOrS... ChIlLiN wItH mUh GuRlS hAnG wItH mUh BoYs BaWlIn WiTh MuH bAwLaS... CrUiSiN... BeIn On Da TeLeY... ChAtTiN oN HeRe... JuSt AbOuT Ne ThInG fUn... SpEnDiN tImE wItH mY kIdS gOtTa LoVe Em YeS tHeY aRe DoGs BuT tHeY aRe StIlL mY kIdS.. jUsT hAnGiN oUt ReAlLy!! LoVe BeIn OuTdOoRs WhEn I cAn... Of CoUrSe I lOvE tHe LaTe NiGhT pHoNe CaLlS wItH jAmEs ThAt DoNt EnD tIlL dAy LiGhT :P.. and now it has turned to sittin on the couch and talkin till we are both to tired to move and he has to go home!! I love being with my baby no matter what we are doin!!
Cool Slideshows~*~WeLl... n E oNe nEw wOuLd Be CoOl~*~ ThIs Is WhErE i DiD sAy A NiCe SwEeT gUy WoUlD bE nIcE!!! BuT i DeCidEd To LeT oNe FiNd Me Im DoNe SeReAcHeN!! AnD gUeSs WhAt I fInAlLy ThInK i fOuNd SoMeOnE!!! I met the greatest guy in the world and he is all mine.. I love you James baby!! If YoUr FuLl Of DrAmA dOnT bOtHeR tO bUg Me!! Im A gRoWn WoMaN n HAvE bEtTeR tHiNgS tA Do ThEn DeAl WiTh DrAmA n ImMaTuRe GaMeS!!!Im outspoken, opinionated and determined. I want what I want and theres nothing wrong with that. So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed!! And if that makes me a bitch, So be it! I embrace the title and am proud to bear it!!!
I lIsTeN tO cOuNtRy, RaP, r&B, pOp, JuSt AbOuT nE tHiNg As LoNg As It IsNt HaRd sHiT lIkE rOcK aNd AlL tHaT bUlL tHaT yA cAnT uNdErStAnD tHe WoRdS.. I lIsTeN tO iT aLl.. Sean Crazy By Kc N JoJo goes to you!!! I love you and miss you more everyday.. I know your smilin down on me but its hard we miss you alot!!!
~*~hMmM loVe ThE lIoN kInG n BrInG iT oN.. tHe FiRsT oNe NoT tHe SeCoNd OnE~*~ wHiTe NoIsE wAs A gOoD oNe... ThE bEsT mOvIe IvE sEeN lAtElY wAs BeNcHwArMeRs!! FuNnY aS fUcK!!! I cOUlD gO oN aNd On bUt ThOsE aRe SoMe GoOd OnEs... Ne MoViE iS gOoD iF iM cUdDlE uNdEr A wArM bLaNkEt WiTh A bAg Of SaLtY pOpCoRn!!
To Be HoNeSt I aInT wAtChEd Tv In LiKe A mOnTh.. JuSt DoNt GeT n To It MuCh Ne MoRe!!
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