׺°º×21 F£@vµRz ؃ ßÅ$këtßÅll׺° profile picture

׺°º×21 F£@vµRz ؃ ßÅ$këtßÅll׺°Â

L!f3 h@pp3nz!!!!!

About Me

Since the year has changed so have I but to fill you in on some details...my name is Khadija but i go by 'D' or 'K' for obvious reasons...i got to William M Raines where Im currently a junior playing basketball and now running track and field (the field is where im best)...as far as my personality goes i really dont care what people say about me cause their not the ones who judgement counts...and as of the new year i changed sum thingz round n my life that way i have no enemies cumin n the new year...but if u find it a must to become an enemy n the '07 keep doin tha same shyt u did n '06...neways i love to do anything that will make me or someone else laugh so i do some outrageous shit from time to time...but to most outrageous and courageous thing ive done as of right now is marked a year with my lovely lady SMR (she no who she is) but to you baby i love you with all my heart and it seriously dont get no better...but if you want to get to know me better send me a message or leave me a comment and ill get atcha n da '07!!!!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

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I get my MySpace Layouts from MrDoe.com !


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mY bIg SiStA nIa, mY p@, mY m@, g[]d,& dEm OtHa iNfLuEnTiAl PpL n mY lYfE....u nO wH[] U r!!!!!!!!!!!
Sex Preference
Top or Bottom depends on da round
Morning or Night i go to skool n da mornin...but takeoffs is zoom zooming round dere
Lights on or off clap on clap off
Touching or kissing kissing
Giver or Reciever u gotta give to recieve
Nice & slow or Rough & fast lets start out nice&slow...but we guranteed to wind uo sweaty&sleep
Bitting or Kissing bitting
Scratching or tickling tickle me elmo
Grabbing or caressing grabbing
loud or quite i want neighbors to complain
Drunk or Sober sober
Outside or Inside backside
Standing up or laying down layin down
Pain or Pleasure pleasure
A Break or straight straight
Under or on top of the covers it starts w/ sheets but at the end they wind up on the floor
Clothes on or off clothes off
Good or Bad
Foreplay gud
Whipped Cream gud
Fudge gud
One night stand depends
Booty calls gud
pillow bitting gud
Long toe nails bad
Sex toys gud
Ashy elbows bad
Soft Skin gud
Music gud

My Blog

Lady Vikings Basketball '06 - '07 Schedule

¤l@Dy v!k!NgZ b@$k3tB@lL $(h3dUleNov. 8 vs EPISCOPAL{tipofff} @ raines @ 7:30Nov.9 vs WEST NASSAU {tipoff} @ raines @ 7:30Nov. 15 vs FERNANDINA BEACH @ away @ 7:30Nov. 21 vs PAXON @ raines @ 7:30Nov....
Posted by ׺°º×21 F£@vµRz Ø’ ßÅ$këtßÅll׺°º× on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 07:14:00 PST