I love reading anything from thrillers, horror stories, ghost stories, to slutty romance and erotica..joy joy joy. I play the keyboard, sing to myself, and play World of Warcraft in which I am completly obsessed. Come between me and my game and someone will get hurt..hehe I work ALOT of hours so I dont get too much time to play unfortunitly, tho I do try. I also liek to draw, dont get to do much of that either. pressed for time atm..so more later
Someone who can accept me for who I am, including all my faults and bad habits along with the good. I am tired of all the mind fucks and for once would like it straight. Also I would love to meet everyone in my guild,someday we plan on having a big get togteher! wootness :P
anything except Rap, Hip-hop, polka, swing, jazz, thrash, acid, and hhmm..a bunch of otehrs :P ok, I like heavy metal, alternative, opera, young country, new age, musicals, golden oldies, 60's, 70's, 80's and some 90's.
The Fifth Element, Secret of Nihm, The Last Unicorn, Orgasmo,LOTR, Braveheart,Phantom of the Opera, Shrek 1+2, BlueSeed, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, The 6th Sence, The Others, POltergeist,Watership down, Labrynth, Legend (original version), The Company of Wolves, American Werewolf in London, Quills, The Village, Signs, Lady and the TRamp,Beauty and the Beast, Snow White (Disney), The Mists of Avalon, Merlin, The INcredibles, Pochahontas,Whale Rider,Sleepy HOllow, X-Men (all),Harry Potter (all), SOuth Park, LAdder 49, The Brothers Grimm, Employee of the month, Lady in the Water...*gasp* ok..no more plz...
I dont really watch too much tv. My mom records my anime shows and I watch them when I am at her house. Otherwords my cable goes unwatched.Good thing I get free extended basic :P Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchmist, Bleach, Trinity Blood,Samari Champloo, Venture Brothers, South PArk, SImpsons, Grays Anatomy, Emergency Vets, America's Funniest Animals, and any other anime that strikes my fancy
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Stand-Stephen King, The Lord of the Rings-we all know who thats by! lol Romances, what can I say? I am a sap at heart! Either that or very horny :P I love Horror and Thrillers. Anything scary weither its ghost stories or bloody werewolf masacres, I think its great! I also love reading comics, yes! A girl that LOVES comics!,I once had a collection of over 500....but then my ex dumped me and whoops there they went. I have read over 2000 books in a few short years. Of course it helps to be able to read 200pg books in 2 hours :P Of ocurse that was when I was yonger and a speed reader. I have learned to take my time and valuse the book. SO now it takes me about 4-5 hours instead :P I have read LOTR 3 times now, The Stand -3 The MIsts of Avalon..*drum roll plz* 15x. At the moment I am reading yet again, the Anita Blake series by Laurall K. Hamilton. Awsome series if your into death, sex, vamps,lycans and other supernatural crap. :) Another awsome series from her is her Merry Gentry series.. classic... and hot as hell!
Micheal Crawford, if it wasnt for his beautiful voice in Phantom of the Opera I may not be the person I am today. My mother, my brothers,my grandma and my grandpa's. Most of my teachers, Miss. Holly, Mr. Smith, my best friend Lauren for knowing me and still loving me.