Wicca, Piano, Writing, Going down the pub, Cinema, Socialising, Anything that means i dont have to sit at home all day
Funny people! who make me laugh and chuckle! I'm always up for a good chinwag
I'll listen to most stuff, but mostly rock nd metal. I'm just gonna list who i DONT like instead, cos i like too many: Red Hot Chilli Peppers- His voice is so annoying! The Darkness- The guy sings like he's bin kicked in the nuts! Most Pop stuff- Yurgh
Queen of the damned! Lestat (Stuat Townsend) is the sexiest man alive! Most fantasy and Horror films. Some action. Most comedy one's i don't find totally funny anyway because it's just laughing at peoples stupidity. I like cartoons, but only in small doses! I LOVE vampire films, and zombie films give me nightmares. Eating people alive just does that to me .
Don't watch much television, usually i watch films. But i like the Hex series on Sky One. And i watch Stargate sometimes too (How Sad) And the A Team! (brought up watching it) And Lost! Im addicted to it! But WHY WAS THERE A SODDING POLAR BEAR?! I have been known to shout obscenities at the television over that :S
And then whatever people force me into watching. And i watch Big Wolf On Campus as well sometimes cos Myrton is just so hot obviously.
I read lots! alot of the time, fantasy is more appealing then reality! I tend to lean towards Vampire Romance at the moment for some reason, but usually its fantasy or horror. Laurell Hamilton and Sherrilyn Kenyon are currently my 2 fave authors. I really like L.J.Smith's books atm, even though they're not the most adult of books. J.K Rowling and Tolkien rock, and William Nicholson and Sherryl Jordan are great as well.
I don't really look up to anybody, or have heroes. I suppose various auhtors count as i want to be a writer someday :D Plus... I LOVE LESTAT