Hey Fellow Ridge Rats, it's me Tracey you may know me by Ms.Cash well it's Luna now. i decided to get my own My Space to see what's going on with everyone since we left the Ridge as well as keeping up with the family, which is HUGE an spread out all over the states. As for myself, if any of you remember the love of my life Robert aka Ms. Jenkins nephew, he is now my loving husband of 3 years (Aug. 26, 2003 and going strong) now and the father of our beautiful daughter ( now 2 years and 3 months old Aug. 15, 2004) Renee Patrice Luna. We moved from Miami shortly after we got married to Kentucky with the intentions of starting a new life. some of his family is up here as well,(His Mom and a few aunts and uncles) also all natives to Miami. I know most of you who know me is like " What in the world are you doing in KENTUCKY!" in my defense let me just say i was trying to be the suportive wife and Robert was trying to get into the military. But when we got up here things changed, my WHOLE LIFE STLYE changed, for the better... for God! We have our own place, we both work and i get to take my daughter with me. We also live close to our church and my friends here are more like family. Anyway that's basically what's up with me up until October 31st 2006. We moved BACK to Miami! We have our own place in Homestead and Robert Joined the Army and left Jan. 3rd 2008. life is good (except i miss my baby!). So what has everyone been up too since school? any kids? any high school sweet hearts got married? is everyone still in miami? let me know what's up i'm intrested to see how everything turned out. you know we all had a lot of dream in school of what we were going to do when we got out.
God Bless you ALL.
Love Tracey
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Army wife
Current time for my Baby http://www.timeanddate.com/clocks/free.html?n=27