Carlo Blood Obsession/NYDM Upstate NY profile picture

Carlo Blood Obsession/NYDM Upstate NY

The OFFICIAL myspace of Carlo from Blood Obsession.

About Me

I don't feel like explaining myself anymore. I drink and I've played in Blood Obsession since its inception in 2001.Myspace .. Now Icons a

My Interests

Bass and guitar, drinking like a fuck, playing and going to shows, working out, maybe the occaisional book when I'm on the toilet. .

I'd like to meet:

My maker.


Aborted, Alice In Chains, Anal Blast, Anal Bleeding, Anal Cunt, Acid Bath, Aeternus, Amon Amarth, Black Sabbath, Bathory, Belphegor, Bloodgasm, Bolt Thrower, Burzum, Cattle Decapitation, Cannibal Corpse, Candlemass, Carnivore, Carpathian Forest, Cathedral, Cattle Decapitation, Cephalectomy, Cemetary Rapist, Cephalic Carnage, Ceremonium, Clitorture, Cold Embrace, Dark Funeral, Dead Centre, Decapitated, Decomposed, Devourment, Deicide, Down, Drudkh, Dying Fetus, Exhumed, Fall of Empyrean, Fuck...I'm Dead, Goatsblood, Goatwhore, God Dethroned, God's Tower, Goratory, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Graveland, Graves at Sea, Graveworm, Grief, Hate Eternal, Immolation, Immortal, Impaled, Implosive Disgorgence, Incantation, Internal Bleeding, Iron Maiden, Krisiun, Lynard Skynard, Macabre, Machine Head (old), Marduk, Mayhem, Metallica (old), Monstrosity, Morbid Angel, Mortician, Mourning, Mucopus, My Dying Bride, Necrophagist, Nevermore, Nile, November's Doom, Obscura, October Tide, Origin, Ozzy, Pantera, Pentagram, Pestilence, Place of Skulls, Pungent Stench, Putrilage, Pyrexia, Severe Torture, Sikfuk, Slayer, Suffocation, Tom Petty, Type O Negative, Tyr, Unholy Ghost, Vader, Venom, Vinterland, Vital Remains, Vehemence, Warkult, Winter, With Immortality, Withersoul.


Any Die Hard movies, American History X, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Memento, Phonebooth, The Sixth Sense, Blow, Austin Powers ( 1,2,and 3) Signs, Snatch, Contact, Seven, Falling Down, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( old and new), Dawn of the Dead, Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, Fight Club, and too many more for me to think of...


A lotta Dean Koontz, some Stephen King. I usually only read when I'm motivated, or when a good book grabs my attention right away.

My Blog

Me interviewed by Nick Cyanide for Anhedonia Zine

The following is a interview with a founder/original bassist and rhythm guitarist of Upstate New York's Blood Obsession Carlo D'Amato. We discussed many topics about the band Blood Obsession. We will ...
Posted by Carlo Blood Obsession/NYDM Upstate NY on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:33:00 PST