Halloween Myspace Layouts Halloween Myspace Comments Halloween Myspace Graphics Hello everyone! WE'RE BACK!!! Yes, the Petty's have made their way back to our home town of Fresno!!!! Yes, we couldn't be more delighted. Some say, "What, why would you move back from the coast to this place?" Well, in all honesty, Fresno has a lot to offer that Cayucos did not. Namely, our friends, our family, and our friends, and our family!!! Yep, it was a no brainer for us. Oh, and a couple little things like we bought a house here, and Jon is reaching his halfway point in finishing law school here in Fresno. So for him, commuting was a drag!!! :) So with all that we are absolutely GIDDY to be back. :)
With all the moving and adjusting, we are finally getting settled enough to start really enjoying being here!!! To those I haven't seen yet since being back, you just wait!!! I PROMISE we will get together soon!!!.. Tiffany Tracy Petty's Profile
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I'd like to meet:
all members of radiohead, bill maher, chris matthews, rob pattinson (Yummy), stephanie meyer (BRILLIANT).
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Going to The NO 6/24-27
Going to visit the fam in fresno through tues, maybe weds if we get bogged with visit requests. (no complaints. LOVE it. ) Lets do coffee, lets do tea....jonny and i are always up for a cocktail... Posted by on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 06:20:00 GMT