An Open Letter To Lady Gaga (You poke her face, you brought her.) |
Dear Lady Gaga,Come on over here and sit down, sweetie. We have something we need to talk about. I guess I'll start out by asking, Why? Are you so disgruntled with humanity that you felt the need t... Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 13:29:00 GMT |
When The Going Gets Tough, The Cook Gets Drunk (A Story Of Tragedy And Triumph) |
Candlelight Dinner - noun - an annual event at Central Community College, occuring in the month of December, wherein students are treated to a formal prime rib dinner. Said event is followed by ... Posted by on Wed, 03 Dec 2008 00:19:00 GMT |
I’ve Been Tagged Like An Abandoned Train Car In Gang Territory |
Well, my dear friend Darla tagged me to do one of those random blog thingers. You have to tell 16 random things about yourself, and then tag 9 other people to do it. Why 16 instead of 15, ... Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 16:39:00 GMT |
A Psych Major’s Wet Dream |
This summer has been relatively Tim-free. And that's always a good thing. We clean things in the summer, of course, but not CLEAN things, like what Tim does. It's his job. So h... Posted by on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 18:25:00 GMT |
An Open Letter To Kid Rock (Ugh) |
Dear Kid Rock,
How can I describe my absolute and complete hatred for your new song, All Summer Long? First off, let me say thank you for ruining two perfectly good actual classics. (Sweet... Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 20:30:00 GMT |
The Simple Life + Green Acres = Brian And Jamey’s New Life |
Well, for those of you who may not know, Jamey and I have officially moved! To a farm! I know, right? Actually, I shouldn't use the word "farm". It's more of a house in the cou... Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 23:52:00 GMT |
Random Musings |
Well, here I am. It's 2:53 in the morning, and I have to get up at 10 to go to work. I'm already at 7 hours of sleep if I go to bed now, and that's not happening any time soon. I too... Posted by on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:22:00 GMT |
A Dishwashers Wisdom |
First, one must know a little something about Tim. Some of you have heard me speak of him, telling wild tales of his infinite wisdom. One of you, like me, actually works with him. He... Posted by on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 22:24:00 GMT |
First Annual BS Awards! |
Well, first off I can't believe I've had an entire month off from work and haven't blogged at all! I can't believe my last blog was that serious 5:56 story! Man, the last you heard of me w... Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 14:29:00 GMT |
5:56 AM |
*Thud Thud Thud*
In a split second of time, I am vaguely conscious of the sounds coming from outside. In that same split second, I am fully awakened by the dog barking. Ares jumps off the ... Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 13:46:00 GMT |