?Syntonic stands for a community. A community, which aims to express itself syntonically................Syntonic was founded at the beginning of 1999. Its members are Rocco Harzbecker (vocals/guitar), Sandra Harzbecker (bass) and Christian Baakes (drums). The foundation of the band..s philosophy is that the three musicians work together as composers, develop personally and are able to criticize themselves and be open for criticism by the others. We have set ourselves the goal not to employ music as a bearer of political and social ideals but to let music flow and stand for itself. „The inspiration for our ideas is based on bandinternal jamsessions. The arisen ideas are then turned into songs.„.................................The diversity and complexity can also be certainly traced back to the various, musical influences by Jazz, Funk, Independent and Electronic. In principle, the songs capture moments, sometimes in a classical, sometimes in an innovative way and are meant to inspire the individual interpretation of listeners, which has no universal validity...........„These lines are, and can only be an attempt to express the emotions and thoughts each one of goes through when interpreting ourselves live on stage.„
My Interests
Member Since: 24/03/2006
Band Website: www.syntonic-music.com
Band Members:>rocco: vocals / guitar
>sandra: bass /
>christian: drums /
>cony: soundman /Umbrella-remix
Type of Label: Unsigned
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www.syntonic-music.com Posted by on Sat, 06 May 2006 16:46:00 GMT