About Me
What can I say...I love life and all it has to offer, while hating the world at the same time. Music is the blood in my vains. I have amazing friends. What more could I want right now? I have aspirations of becoming all i've ever dreamt to be, and that is my main focus. I am fascinated by every little detail inside the big picture. Like any one, I have my flaws, and life some times gets to be too much, but i'll always get back on my feet and fight to until my last dying breath, with a smile on my face, and fire in my eyes. I am always working towards liberating my inner being. I lust for knowledge, and I am greatful for my priveledge to education, especially when it comes to music. I try to be and understanding and friendly individual, and I try not to be selfish, although some times you have to be selfish, you can't let people walk all over you. Life is what you make it.Things I like:
Playing guitar, Singing, dreaming,Concerts, friends, cinnamon dolce lattes made just right, drunken midnight jam sessions, making life a musical, stand up comedians, improv, the discovery channel, animals killing humans, nocturnal life style, riding my long board, a good dark ale, the after work bowl, the nap time bowl, the before shower bowl, the dinner bowl, knowledge of the stoner culture, all music classes, writing, drawing, reading, white boy freestylin, a tasty za made just right as well as a sammich made just right, corpse paint, halloween, movies, acting, philosophy, mythology, driving fast, uncontrollable laughing fits, intelligent conversations, the ability to laugh at everything no matter how severe it is, the ability to be serious when it is needed, the sound of my voice after a concert or band practiceThings I dislike:
Hypocrisy, conspiracy, manipulation, people with low self esteem, people who are egotistical( unless it's funny), people who are condescending, critizism, angry and emotional drunks( unless it's funny), sammiches that are made wrong, pizza that is made wrong, coffee that is made wrong, reality tv shows (FUCK TILLA TEQUILLA), People who are apathetic to the consequences of their actions then act like the world is against them when they fuck themselves over, girls who complain about guys staring and hitting on them all the time when they are wearing revealing clothing, girls who say all guys are dogs, girls who complain about equal sex rights but use the fact that they are a girl to their advantage any chance they get, people who say " I can't", people who judge people without looking in the mirror, people who point fingers instead of dealing with their own internal issues, people trying to shove their religion down my throat, being too hot, being too cold, waiting, people who act like their problems are bigger than every one elses, people killing animals, people who can't take a fucking joke, wiggers, rich people who tell me to put shit one place then change their minds and expect me to move it again even know it's a tailgate delivery and we have limited time to drop shit off, suicide, people who say they are going to do something and then don't, people who blow me off, parents who would sacrafice anything for their addiction, people who think sorry fixes everything, sympathy( don't ever be sorry for me, i don't want it), tasteless music that every one goes ape shit over such as " Bomp Bomp i'm trying to fuck you", People who complain about being in the same situations but never read between the lines or notice the red flags to avoid it,I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4