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She's got freckles on her BUT, she's pretty!

About Me

Take the quiz:
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

You are Tidus! The main character in Final Fantasy 10. Tidus is a rising blitzball star from the futuristic city of Zanarkand. When Zanarkand is attacked by Sin, he wakes up in Spira, a thousand years later. He joins Yuna on her quest to eliminate Sin, hoping that when he comes face to face with what brought him here, it will be enough to take him home.You are vibrant and energetic, the whole world wants to know you!
Create your own Friend Quiz here________________________________________________________ ___This is my story. I just recently returned from Fort Sam in Texas where I spent four months of my life standing in formation and listening to Chuck Norris jokes all day. And maybe a little combat medic work here and there. It was long, but a lot of good medical training. I can deliver babies! Just call to make appointments. Now I live in Utah going to the U of U here for school. I'm working towards my pre-med. Yes, I want to be a doctor; ever since I can remember people would ask what I wanted to be when I grow up and my answer has always been the same, the sewer and water guy. From 2004 to 2006 I lived in Poland (it's in Europe, look on a map)where I spent the last 2 years (1/10) of my life. There I served an LDS mission where I talked with a lot of people about "Jesus" and did a lot of service work like working in a hospice, helping special ed children, cleaning graveyards, teaching english, etc... It was a great experience and I learned a lot about the world and how to serve others. I love to travel. I've been to the Virgin Islands, Mexico, Belize, Montana (worth mentioning, it's just as beautiful if not more), Glacier National Park, and Poland. (No czesc! jak sie masz? Jezeli Mowisz po polsku, Pisz do Mnie!) My passion for life is snowboarding and wakeboarding. Just watch my videos to see me biff it. Also want to say how proud I am of the soldiers fighting for Iraqi freedom, our President (no matter what TV says) and how great of a country this is thanks to guys like you! Fight on my brothas and sistas! Freedom is never free.

My Interests

Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Cliff jumping, Rock climbing, Dancing (Hip Hop and Breakdancing), Hunting, White water rafting, Canoeing, Swimming, Four Wheeling, Dirt Biking, Wave Runners, Boating, Farting, Surfing, Percussion, Hiking, Chicks with a dancer's build, Dodgeball (with fat chicks...inside joke), and Sarcasim.

I'd like to meet:

Denise Richards, I don't know what I'd do if I saw her in real life. I'd probably have a full load in my pants. Also that hot chick that wears the angel wings (and nothing else) on those Victoria Secret commercials. Everytime I see her I want to mast...icate...on some Pringles...ooh! ooh!Ugly Backflip

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Wide variety- Collective Soul, Creed, Yellowcard, Metallica, Enya, Enigma, Forest for the Trees, Techno, 80's, Hard Rock, Alternative...I play the drums so if it has a good beat, I'll like it.


Dumb and Dumber, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Kung Pow, Office Space, Wedding Singer, Work and the Glory, Napoleon Dynomite, Mystery Science Theater 3000, A Christmas Story, Breakfast Club, Crash


My all time favorite TV shows have been Wings, Friends, Crank Yankers, Jackass, Man Show, American Idol, So you think you can dance?, and any operating room educational shows.


I love to study the scriptures (Bible and Book of Mormon) and for fun read some Dragonlance or The Wheel of Time series. I've recently read Davinci Code and Angels and Demons. I also love Garfield comics, who doesn't?


People with disablities who exceed everybody's expectations. Also the soldiers who fight for the greatest country in the world!!! The land of the free and the home of the brave. I'm damn proud to be an American!

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They're kewl.
Posted by Brandon on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 11:56:00 PST