name is Colie (COhlee)
i'm a sophmore at evergreen high school and its growing on me.
when I'm uncomfortable I mumble with my head down.
being poked, tickled and made fun of is part of life when your my friend.
i tend to make faces at people i dislike.
i'm bad at dancing but that doesn't stop me.
I'm shy for a while.
my hair was colored before it became scene.
if you ripped open my heart youll find...
i dont even want to imagine where i would be if Helen didnt invite her to our table. i cant thank her enough for being the most understandeing, helpful, comforting, and wonderful friend possible (and for showing me good music). she is never ever boring and its a huge pity that she lives all the way in fucking california and i'm all the fucking way in washington. meow. but i think that it had to be this way so we woudnt take over the world. that would be the best world in the...universe! <3