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Don't panic, panic Pato don't drive erratic

About Me

Don't look Ethel... but it was too late she'd already had a freeshot!Well you can read about what I like over there so I can't talk about that so best tell you what I generally get up to.I spend my life getting overly stressed about everything that is beyond my control and not getting stressed enough about things that I can control. I try to learn from Simon the art of relaxation and not giving a shit but its hard when you're thousands of miles apart.I try to chill out but I just can't relax if there are too many pint glasses in the front room- its just not right. Dirty pots are a way of life not just a life choice.

My Interests

Life, love, sex and happiness

I'd like to meet:

Barry, Bow Lady, the makers of Wondershowzen, Rob Lowe mmmmm Rob Lowe, Terry Pratchett, Kate Mulgrew, Joss Whedon, Jo Frost (supernanny), Gene Simmons Gene Hackman Gene Wilder, Ozzy Osbourne, Courtney Love, Annie Lennox, Madonna, Michael Howard- to kick his head in, Rowetta from X factor (big disappointment), Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall.


Goldfrapp, Scissor Sisters, Delays, The Knife, Snow Patrol, Gossip, New Young Pony Club,


Happiness of the Katakuris, House of Flying Daggers, Spirited Away, Sideways, Serenity, Star Wars, Wickerman, The Hours, Superman, Switchblade Romance, Lady Vengeance.


North West Tonight, Look North, Desperate Hoes, Lost, The Apprentice, Ulysses 31, Sex and the City, TittyBangBang, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Queer as Folk USA, Start Trek: Voyager, Doctor Who, Herores, Brothers and Sisters, America's Next Top Model.


Tea Room Trade, Far From The Madding Crowd, How to be Good, His Dark Mysteries, Oranges are not the only Fruit, Written on the Body, Sexing the Cherry, The Handmaids Tale, Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, The Castle of Otranto, The Italian, The Catcher in the Rye, Through a Glass Darkly, The Solitaire Mystery, Brick Lane, White Teeth, One-Dimensional Man, The Social Contract, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Harry Pot-head, any cultural science book.


Terry Pratchett, Jo Frost (Supernanny), Virginia Woolf, David Icke, Janice Dickinson

My Blog

The cold, the essayholic and the wardrobe

Promise I'm not doing this just to prove Mark wrong- well ok maybe a little! Work was bad today my cold makes me feel so groggy in the morning had it over a week now and Shaz has taken to calling me O...
Posted by jonathan on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 11:20:00 PST

Blog-life begins

So I'm giving in and finally starting a blog who knows what could happen? Putting off finishing my Violence essay even though there are 500words to go and it has to be in tomorrow- nevermind! Gonna wa...
Posted by jonathan on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:37:00 PST