We Are The Outcasts:
Our spirit is a fireplace. The fire that burns there is the power of Christ and the passion we have for the Lord's work. Two things can happen to that fire: it can grow, or it can diminish; a fire never burns at a constant level because it burns away fuel and grows weaker, or it is supplied with more fuel and intensifies. When we sin and give our attention to anything/anyone but God, we leave the fire to tend to itself and sometimes bask in its warmth, however, it will nonetheless slowly turn to smoldering ashes. Unless we tend to the fire daily, it will die. We feed the flames by putting a log or two in it, which would be reading God's Word daily. We can add a Duralog (trademark) by memorizing scripture. You stoke the fire by speaking with God, and you find new logs by fellowshipping with Christians of equal or greater relationships with the Lord. A camp/retreat or a particularly touching sermon can act as lighter fluid or gasoline: they increase the intensity of the flames tremendously, and even though we may want/believe it will stay that way, but gasoline burns off quickly. ***The only way to have a strong, consistant fire that does not require our constant tending of the fire in our own strength, is if we hook up to the gasline of the Holy Spirit. All other things are helpful and are actions we should taking, but only God's gas company can supply you with a never failing source of fuel.