Shopping, Movies, Gym, going to Barnes&Noble,driving in the country with no destination :)
Brad Pitt, Jessica Simpson, and The Rock
Coldplay, James Blunt, Miranda Lambert, Rascal Flatts,Blue October, Hinder, Carrie Underwood,Hillary Scott
Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Gone With The Wind, Ever Afer, Never Been Kissed, Jerry Maguire,Shallow Hal, Deja Vu,
Reality Shows!! According to Jim, Deal or No Deal, Desperate Housewives,GH
The Notebook, A Handmaids Tale, The Wedding,
My mommy and daddy I don't know what I would do without
leTs GeT clOseR......
Name: Wendy Elizabeth Scott
Age: 20
b-daY: 02-22-87
biRthpLaCe: Lexington, KY
cuRRenT lOcatiOn: Lexington, KY
haiR cOloR: Blond
eYes: Blue
heiGht: 5'2
shOe siZe: 7
riGhtY oR lEftY: Righty
shOes yOu wORe 2daY: Flip Flops
uR ouTfiT cOnsisteD Of: today it was just jeans and a t-shirt
waTs uR……
gOal iN liFe? to be happy and live my life the best I can
wEaKnesSeS? a certain guy......... :(
fEaRs? It's a secret
haPpIneSs? I 'm not sure
pErfecT daTe? I've already had my perferct date
pErfeCt hUsbanD/wiFeY? No one is perfect
uR faVoRiTe......
piZZa: cheese
mOvie: Jerry Maguire
CloThinG bRand: Ny&Co
cOlOr: Pink
bOoK: Notebook
fOoD: pizza
cAnDY: Starburst
mEmoRy: It's something that I don't have anymore
aNimAl: I don't like any animal
woRd: ummm
deSigNeR: DKNY
tv shOw: Desperate Housewives
banD: Coldplay
sOnG: Right now the one on my page
sPoRt: Tennis
uNiveRsitY: IWU
maGaziNes: Cosmo of course :)
uR fUtuRe......
wanT kidS? Maybe
if sO-hOw maNy? 2
wAnT tO gEt maRRieD? no
whAt dO u wAnT tO bE? A sales Rep for a Health Ins co.
cOlleGe? I'm finishing up my degree right now
bIg hOusE? oR mEdiUm sIzE? oR sMaLL? Medium house
wHite pIcKeT fEncE? no
wAnT pEts? NO
if sO-hOw maNy? none
if sO-wAt kiNd? none
uR fiRstS......
fiRst kiSS? this guy in sixth grade
fiRst bFF(s)? umm this weird guy I won'tr even say his name lol
fiRst bOO? not saying lol
fiRst spoRt? dance
fiRst vaCatiOn? I think Myrtle Beach
fiRst cOnceRt? Unfortunately Billy Ray Cyrus lol
fiRst peT? Ginger
haVe u eveR......
kisSeD a stRangeR? ummm define stranger lol
dRanK bUbblEs? noo
eAtin a buG? no
rAn awAy fOr ATLEAST 2 hOuRs? of course doesn't everyone run away when they are little
rAn awaY fOr moRe thAn a daY? yes
bRoKen a bOne? np
hAd a bRokeN hEaRt? Sure have
bRoKe uP wiT sOmeOne? yes
cRieD wHen sOmeOne dIed? yes
cRieD @ sKl? no
cRiEd wiT uR bOO? yes
cRieD wiT uR BFF? yes that's what they're for
gOne sKinnY-diPping? yes
sTreaKeD iN puBliC--nOt uR hOme? no
sMokEd? yeah
dRanK aLcohOl? no not me
tRyeD a dRug? ....
bEeN oUt of KY? yes thankfully
maDe-oUt fOr mOre tHan 10 hOuRs? no but it was pretty long lol I think Tonya knows this story LMAO
hAd seX iN tHe maLL? no
In oPpOsItE sEx...wHich is betteR......
shoRt haIr/LonG hAiR: short
TaLL oR sHoRt hEigHt:
lOud oR sHy: neither
cUte oR nIce: nice
caRinG oR gO-wIt-iT: caring
hUgs or kiSsES: kisses
hOOk-uP oR rElatiOnship: depends lol
lOving oR lOvabLe: loving
REAL hOrnY oR cOntRollinG: really horny