Hello there my name is hannah im the big 21,
I love it when it rains so hard that it soaks you in a second, thunder and lightning is amazing 8-), i love walking home in the dark and watching the stars,
i like meeting knew people and learning new things,
i love dancing all night with my eyes closed,
smiling and laughing so hard that u cry is a good hobby,
i h8 people who dont listen to both sides of each storry and jump to conclutions about things,
i carnt stand bitchieness and racism,
i think war is stupid and shouldnt have been invented
I love rock music and all that go's with it but i allso love other things to,
I h8 working on weekends and people who drop litter,my family and frainds are my rocks and i love them with all my hearthope every one is happy whos reading this eaven if it dosn't make sense!
Hannah x
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
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