........Personal Photography Page............Well I also go by as Tony Butts. I am about 5'11" tall and Im 1/2 Italian, 1/2 English and German. Photography and traveling are my main passions. You can see some of my photography from the link above. The main things I love to photograph are wildlife, underwater, scenery and structural photography. My favorite places to travel so far have been Zimbabwee & Tanzania in Africa, Rome, Australia,New Zealand, and Belize. I did recently practiced as a Chiropractor which I loved and put alot of money into, but something came along that supports my life style better. Now I own a printing company that supplies Labor Law Posters
nationwide. I absolutely love running the company. I make my own hours, and the best thing about it is we are very ethical and one of the only absolutely honest company's in our field. If someone isn't honest, which hasn't happened yet.. They get fired. I overlook all aspects of the company's management and I also do the graphics design of the posters with Photoshop. Hmm...ok what else. Other activities I enjoy are hunting, conservation, missionary, camping and fishing ohh and I love movies. Also After a long or short day of work I love to spend time relaxing outside and a glass of red wine.