Brittan-y? profile picture


Blah blah blah. I'm Kathy Griffin.

About Me

I'd tell you but MySpace says I should exercise caution when posting personally identifiable information.

My Interests

Don Cheadle, Don Cheadle's films, drinking soda, being startled by people's Myspace songs, going to ballgames and eating $12 hot dogs, wondering aloud what's the matter with Jeff Kent then being informed he's a bum, hanging on Anderson Cooper's every word, writing, dissecting the psyches of Top Chef contestants, reading Missed Connections on Craigslist, coercing unsuspecting victims into losing to me at Monopoly, sending drunken text messages, dancing in ridiculously high heels and regretting it for 3 days then doing it again, going to bed really early, trying to get into the minds of seniors and housewives, pretending I was a childhood bowling prodigy, defending Alex Smith's honor, making up crazy nicknames for the world's best people (Frank Gore and Matt Cain), singing annoying songs over and over so they get stuck in my sister's head, wandering around the Sparks Marina like a transient, finding ways to work the word "hobo" into most of my sentences, talking about love and the lack thereof, pretending I know how to cook once a month, strongly disliking Steve Finley, sledding while wearing funny hats, trying to find the seedy underbelly everywhere I go, and Patrick Dempsey's bravery.

I'd like to meet:

This random guy, because I like his mustache:I'd also like to meet Pablo Feliz, who dwarfs Pedro Feliz in talent.


The Barry Bonds Experience is the greatest band ever, bigger than Jesus. Other than that I like The Smashing Pumpkins, Fiona Apple, Weezer, The Killers, The Flaming Lips, The White Stripes, The Postal Service, any band beginning in The, Prince, Beastie Boys, Rufus Wainwright, Ryan Adams, Ben Harper, Cat Power, etc. Also Bon Jovi.


Clueless, Hotel Rwanda, Bad Education, Pirates of the Caribbean, Love Actually, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gladiator, Walk the Line, Anchorman, Pride and Prejudice, Sorority Boys, Borat, Talladega Nights. Usually I fall asleep during movies unless Don Cheadle is in them.


The Office is the best thing in my life. Also: PTI, Project Runway, Top Chef, anything else Bravo shows over and over, Friday Night Lights, and basically all of VH1's Celebreality shows.


Anything that doesn't have a pastel cover and wasn't written by Dan Brown.


MATT CAIN, Joaquin Phoenix, Steve Young, Rich Eisen, David Sedaris, Don Cheadle, Matt Cain, Randy Winn, Bryant Young, Alex D. Smith, Alex P. Keaton, Noah Lowry, Johnny Depp, Conan O'Brien, Jon Stewart, Jon Bon Jovi, Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson, Janice Dickinson, other assorted bitchy people, Michael Tucker, Anthony Michael Hall, Keira Knightley, Matt Cain, Judge Mablean Ephram, Big Ben Roethlisberger, Jack White, NBC's Brian Williams, anyone who would throw water balloons at Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, Giants prospect Brian Wilson, the Beach Boy Brian Wilson, Anderson Cooper, people who beat the Dodgers, Jose Reyes, Shawntae Spencer, Jim and Pam, Mr. Food, Wilbon, people who agree that Brett Favre is overrated, people who actually spell "Favre" right, my dog (for her fashion sense and her ability to tell it like it is), Joe Nedney, Brandon Flowers, Ladanian Tomlinson, and Dorothy Zbornak.

My Blog

Mid-year resolutions

So I was just sitting here at work, trying to think of reasons not to work on my show so that I could scramble around writing stuff at 5 a.m.  That way I stay awake, it's really very logical. Any...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:21:00 PST

Bye bye bye

As you may or may not know I am moving to Santa Barbara for another job this weekend.  If you're pretty sad about that (and most people are) you will have a chance to say goodbye before I go! &nb...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:00:00 PST

Wendover Willie welcomes you to West Wendover (and other alliterations)

If you didn't hear it at the staff meeting attended by the entire friggin company, Carrie and I went to Wendover to see Rick Springfield.  I'm assuming it was way cooler than some dumb ice c...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 03:15:00 PST

Oh, Padma!

Rumor has it Top Chef's host Padma Lakshmi likes weeeeeeed, dude. She talks really slowly, but I had no idea. This is why I like her more than Billy Joel's idiot wife, last season's host. I don't mean...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 06:05:00 PST

One Manning down...

... one to go. FYI I'm an Eagles fan for the next few weeks since Jeff Garcia is still my homeboy. Even though we've had an imaginary falling out or two, he is my favorite scrappy veteran CFL cas...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:00:00 PST

Your body is a wonderland

I was thinking that if my own version of hell existed this song would play in a continuous loop. With the video. Because then I'd have to look at John Mayer too. And I'd have to eat stuff with BBQ sau...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 07:08:00 PST

I'm sleeping with Alex D. Smith tonight...

Or really I'll just be wearing a replica of his jersey. Whatever. Merry Christmas y'all!  ...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:30:00 PST

Gender confusion ahoy!

So you know that whole saying, "Women want him, men want to be him"?  Well. I want to be Brandon Flowers. It's a very confusing feeling but I think about it a lot when I work out to the...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 05:38:00 PST

a subtle kiss that no one sees

The utter failure of the Tim Rooney Memorial party last week has me paranoid. So people, seriously. Come to our Christmas party. It's hard to live in such a big house and feel so very alone! Also if y...
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 05:44:00 PST


There's still time for the neighborhood kids to throw a football through the window or for me to step on a rusty nail. Tetanus would feel pretty damn sweet right now.
Posted by B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 01:22:00 PST