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I am here for Friends

About Me

My packaging label

I am pretty laid back for an extrovert. I'm too lazy to be a good OCD case. I'm neat but straight. Love being with friends. I travel for work so, fun places to go become the game. Will it be Manhattan? or Des Moines? Well, where ever, there will always be a cool place to go and decent people to meet. Very much into music, listening and playing. Never been star-struck, but wouldn't mind the gig. I am on the polar opposite of that industry; insert your important event here... Sound, Video, Lighting & Projection for live events. Sometimes its cooler than it sounds. Other times, it bites ass! Still, I get my fill of some pretty unique events all over the place. Wish I could share... Love to take you on my next trip.


My Interests

Anything outside... Love being active. Riding, biking, skiing, blading, climbing, hiking or camping. Enjoy my motorcycle, crusin' on it. Hangin' out with friends.Things that really get me going??? Finding the perfect fun... A beautiful smile... A well executed performance... People who are decent to others... and close friends

I'd like to meet:

Well... Anyone interesting... Personality is power!


Lots of different tastes.... hard to pick favorites.... depends on the mood I guess. Some stand-outs... A Perfect Circle, Tool, Ben Harper, G.Love and Special Sauce, John Spencer Blues Explosion, Fiona Apple, Beatles, Incubus, Stones, Beastie Boys, Radiohead, Beck, Neko Case, System of a Down, Jane's Addiction, Velvet Underground, Smashing Pumpkins, Greatful Dead, Zeppelin, Hendrix... I have a special respect and deep admiration for classic song witers of the rock-R&B era. These folks truly changed music for us all. People like Dylan, Springsteen, Mitchell, Lennon/McCartney, Niel Young, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Pete Townshend, Paul Simon, Carol King, Elton John/Bernie Taupin, Brian Wilson, Marvin Gaye, Tom Waits, James Taylor, Elvis Costello, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Bob Marley, Jeff Buckley, Jackson Browne, Tom Petty, Jim Morrison and Niel Diamond.... Don't laugh, Niel Diamond is a great songwriter.Other times I get into driving rock or trance/techno/groove stuff... like I said.... depends on the mood.


Once again, very hard to pick favorites. I like great stories, well acted...simple. Twisted plot lines are always entertaining. Films like... Memento, Usual Suspects, Godfather I & II, Fear & Loathing, Taxi Driver, Big Lebowski, High Fidelity, Goodfellas, Snatch, True Romance, Fight Club, Blow, 25th Hour, Deer Hunter, The Last Waltz, The Wall, Boogie Nights, Garden State, The Great Escape, The Ref, Killing Fields, King of New York, Sin City, Almost Famous, Apocalypse Now, Spinal Tap and anything Monty Python... to name a few.Actors who could read the phone book and make it interesting... John Cusack, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Ed Norton... the best actors are character actors.


What does it take for the cable television to wash over me?? Discovery, Big Basket Ball/Foot Ball games,History, OLN, Chappell's Show, Mr. Show, Reno 911, Seinfeld, Sopranos, Entourage, Six Feet Under, The Office, Arrested Development, South Park. I don't watch anything on habit. No scheduled TV time...


I like catching up on the classics that I never read... Hemingway and some others.. or I like basically twisted stories, gonzo types. Big fan of Hunter Thompson, William Burroughs, Tom Robbins, Chuck Palahniuk, P.J. O'Rourke. Other good ones... Harper Lee to Tom Clancy, Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Cervantes ..... can't think.... brain hurting...


Ghandi, Maya Angelou, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela.... awww screw that!! I like Batman!! Viva Che Guevara!!!