dyana deluxe profile picture

dyana deluxe

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

love... it is a motherfucker eh?

hiii i'm dyana. i'm pretty fuckin lovable, if you can haaandle this. i'm the coolest person to ever live in/around tanasbourne. call me princess and i'll probably like you. i'm into things that sparkle and neon pink. lip rings give me a girl boner. i listen to mc chris pretty much all day everyday. i really like making out, especially up against walls. i have the same thought process as a 15 year old boy. twinsies are my favorite things ever. digital getdown is my dance party jam of the century. i like people like me, if you are fuckin message me!

always on aim. dyanazthuglife

hit it up

hugs are always free ♥

My Interests

dance party.
mario 3 on nes.
anything involving mc.
making out.
mitch hedberg.
phil collins.

I'd like to meet:

mc chris (check!)/conan o'brien

someone who is just like me-who won't make fun of me for loving *n sync, has a fuckin libido, posesses nes skills, liprings anyone?!, into arcades/casinos and random roadtrips, will laugh at my dumb jokes and tell me some really bad ones, someone who will get fucked up with me while we watch strangers and make up stories about their lives, someone who likes boobs because i've got some seriously AWESOME ones, i need a cuddler, someone into pda and can't keep their hands off me, someone who thinks i'm fucking rad, and DANCE partiers. i think that's just barely getting into it.


fenix TX
mc chris
n sync
justin timberlake
phil collins
the 80s
denver harbor
bad 90s pop
wesley willis
2 live crew
get up kids
the benjamins
rx bandits
nerf herder
the clash
blood brothers
stevie nicks
tenacious d
kenny loggins
nada surf
80s madonna
brand new
old nfg
the cure
the streets
warren g
b spears
master p
spice girls
phantom planet
richard cheese
matchbook romance
duran duran
ace of base
blah blah blah


grandma's boy
john hughes movies
bring it on
anything jason schwartzman
the ladies man
kevin smith movies
harold and kumar (NPH WOULDNT DO THAT)
anything will ferrell


saved by the bell.
sex and the city
adult swim (esp. sealab/athf)
i love the 90s
disney channel
reading rainbow
court shows


official *nsync handbook


conan o'brien
mc chris
will salazar
david hasselhoff
adam lewis
bob saget

My Blog

you know what i would love??

some goddamn sexual healing
Posted by dyana deluxe on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:19:00 PST

the sauce you can have... but the secret- she’s a mine

sup hoes!! just wanted to say that you bitches are sweet as sugar. the end xox dirty d
Posted by dyana deluxe on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:11:00 PST

sup bitches

dude wtf is going on around here
Posted by dyana deluxe on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:00:00 PST


last year i hated christmas. i sort of hate it still, but not really as much. fucking target is making me work at 7am on my birthday tomorrow. busiest return day of the year, and of course since i am...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 01:03:00 PST

duane the crane

19 questions about the FOURTH person on your top eight1) What's their name?duane s. fluharty2) Do you trust him/her?i tell him all kinds of shit i don't tell anyone else3) Where did you meet?he picked...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Mon, 15 May 2006 09:34:00 PST

p fucking s

looking back at fun past experiences really does NO good.it pretty much just makes you kinda sad.i'm goin on a fantastic voyage.then i'm goin to some huge party in the boons tonighti still say fuck it...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Sat, 13 May 2006 03:25:00 PST

i don't know how to say this..

but i miss you.ohand i'm really starting to like head automatica
Posted by dyana deluxe on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST

xmas... a theme by dyana

let me tell you guys about xmas. xmas stops being cool once you're too old to lay under the tree and look into the lights and be amazed. once you stop laying awake all night tryin to hear santa bring ...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 12:24:00 PST

fuckin toboggan!!!!

im gonna die tonight in the icy snowy wilderness so like, laaaame!!   ps my hair looks a lot better than it does in these pictures, maybe someday if i dont die ill take new pictures.   or yo...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 06:54:00 PST

dyannnnaaaaaa where did you gooo

attention i have been gone from the space since probably 1997 and here i am to grace you with my presence so i sit here, with duane havin some EMFS mostly due to the fact that he sucks and we went to ...
Posted by dyana deluxe on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 08:16:00 PST