robby profile picture


life.. deal with it... both the good times and the bad

About Me

i like to have fun

My Interests

ill pretty much do anything once. i like to snowboard, listen to music, play sports/watch sports, watch movies, cook

I'd like to meet:

hopefully i already know you if you are reading this


rock and alternative. i listen to pop and hip hop when im out.


the OC... even though the show is cancelled


harry potter. all of them

My Blog

night at the bars

well i went to the bars for teh first time, and let me tell you, it was a lot of fun!  just a bunch of people drinking and having a good time with shitty bar music playing in the background....
Posted by robby on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

summary of whats been going on lately

well hi everyone so ive never done this blog thingy but im bored so i figured i would just update everyone with my life... i really dont know what else to talk about.  well i moved into my new ho...
Posted by robby on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST