Music, computers and movies. Don't need to change anything 'ere I think.
The Dirty Sanchez crew and give them a friggin' nobelprize for 'Most entertainment worth a damn'. I'd also like to meet Johnny Cash (too bad he's dead... kind off... R.I.P.). I'd also like to meet George W. Bush to give the fecker a proper nutcracker.
Rompeprop, Victims, Vader, Slayer, Levelload (from my newly found interest in their music), Cannibal Corpse and the gods of Death Metal: Deicide.
Saving Private Ryan, The Rock, the Evil Dead 1,2 and 3, The ... of the Dead series (Dawn, Day, Night and Land) and Dude Where's My Car (just for their sheer retardation).
Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Scrubs... I'm sure there's more. Will fill it in when I feel like it.
Reading is for faggots...
The Dirty Sanchez crew, the Jackass crew, Johnny Cash and my dad of course.