Steph de W profile picture

Steph de W

Distance lends enchantment

About Me

MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Steph
Birthdate: 4/2/88
Birthplace: Brighton
Current Location: Cooden Beach
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde/brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 8 1/2
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Aqarius
Ethnicity: British
Body Type: Average
Favorite Food: Philadelphia
Favorite Drink: Martini rosso
Baseball Team: Red Sox
(when) Bedtime: Whenevr i'm tired
Favorite Color(s): Green
Favorite Letter: X
Favorite Number: 8
Candy: Dark chocolate
Favorite Animal: Puppies & kittens
Favorite Messenger: MSN
Screename: Steph
Favorite Store: H&M
Most Missed Memory: Primary school
Best Physical Feature: Eyes
Overused Phrase: Fair do's
First Thought Waking Up: What shall I have for breakfast?
Goal for this year: Get into uni
Weakness: Funny people
Fears: The dark
Heritage: British
Longest Relationship: Current 18 months so far
School's Name: Seaford Head
Favorite TV Show: Richard & Judy
Have You Ever....
Drank: Yes
Smoked: Yea
Dyed Your Hair: Yep
Shoplifted: No
Tried To Do The Splits: Yes
Tried To Do A Backbend: Yes
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Yes
Tried To Do A Handstand: Indeed
Tried To Act Perfect: On occasions
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: Yes
Skinny Dipped: Nope
Had Sex: Yes
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: Yes
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: Yes
Been Dumped: Yea
Done Drugs: No
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes
Ate Sushi: No
Loved Someone: Yea & still do
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: Brown
Fav Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long Hair: Short
Height: Medium
Weight: Meduim with muscles
Looks Or Personality: Bit of both
Love or Money: Love
Hot Or Cute: Cute
Drugs and/or Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: ???
Random...: ???
How Do You Want To Die?: Peacefully
What country do you want to Visit: Australia - to see Katie & Jo
Been to the Mall Lately: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: No not at all
Shower Daily: Oh yes
Do you Sing: I try
Want to go to College: Just left
Clothes: Jeans & T-Shirt
Shoes: None
Make-Up: Mascara
Hair Do: Messy bun
Phone: Samsung
Phone Number: -
Location: Living room
Weather: Slighty cloudy
Website(s): Myspace
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Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||| 33%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical |||| 16%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 56%
Materialism |||||| 23%
Narcissism |||||| 23%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||||||| 56%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 43%
Conflict seeking || 10%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant || 10%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Individuality |||||||||||| 50%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical security |||||||||||| 50%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| 57%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 43%
Vanity |||||| 23%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||||| 76% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

..Anyone with lots to say. Oh & Jonny Depp of course


Radiohead, muse, RHCP,cranberries, the who, credence clearwater revival


err...the BFG, breakfast at tiffanys, crash,


barbara erskine: "lady of hay",

Heroes: late dog: Rolo..he could eat ANYTHING!!!