Computing, Technology, Cars, Gadgets, Meeting New People, Sleeping, Eating, Drinking, Complaining, Cruising, Women, Get Rich Quick Schemes
A beautiful, nice, sweet, intelligent, understanding, witty, sexy, fun, impulsive, slightly neurotic, posessive, demanding, strong woman who can deal with my sorry ass! :)
Hard Rock, Alternative, Metal, Pop, Techno, House, Jazz, Classical
I don't usually do movies. :) Unless it's something i've really wanted to see of course. Or, more typically, I get suckered into watching something cause that's what they're doing. :)
Futurama, Family Guy, Star Trek, Attack of the Show, History Channel, Discovery Channel, American Chopper, MythBusters, South Park, Robot Chicken, Modern Marvels, Simpsons.
I hate books because of college, screw books, read a magazine.
Adolf Hitler (just kidding, I'm a WWII buff), the person that cures RP (whoever that may someday be), Luke Skywalker (whom I resemble so i'm told)