WoW, Zork, Milkshakes, Martial Arts, Wolves, Dragons, Insecta, Hyperoartia, Chuck Norris, Misanthropy, Pain
Chuck Norris, Charlemagne's corpse
John Denver, Tom Lehrer, Simon and Garfunkle, Flanders and Swann, Chuck Norris, Tenacious D, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Schooner Fare, Tiny Tim, Haddaway, Great Big Sea, DRAGONFORCE, Sting, Police, Styx, Foreigner, Pat Benetar, A-Ha, Foo Fighters
Serenity, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Boondock Saints, Office Space, Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness, Batman Begins, Fight Club, and other stuff
Firefly, Chapelle, Firefly, Seinfeld, Firefly, Venture Brothers, Boondocks
LotR, Brave New World, Beowulf, Incarnations of Immortality, Douglas Adams
Chuck Norris, Charlemagne, Saladin, Paul Bunyan, Machiavelli, JRR Tolkien, Gary Gygax, Shigeru Miyamoto, Brom, myself