Taylor Nick profile picture

Taylor Nick

About Me

"I wanna know what it's like to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent. I wanna know how it feels to be useful and pertinent and have common sense...I wanna belong, and I need to get strong, and if memory serves, I'm addicted to words and they're useless...

I'm about to explode. I'm a mess, I'm a wreck. I am perfect, and I have learned to accept all my problems and short comings, 'cause I am so visceral, yet deeply inept...

I want to thank you for being a part of my forget-me-nots and marigolds, and all the things that don't get old. Is it legal to do this? I surely don't know."
-Motion City Soundtrack, L.G. Fuad

find me on facebook . it's the cooler place to hang out.
plus, this thing hasn't been updated in about a year :/

maps • the ocean • reading • chris john nick

I don't add strangers.

livejournal rules.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Food enthusiasts.

My Blog


sophia: make way for the victors! rose: oh good! you guys won the final game! sophia: no, we lost, and we all changed our name to victor.
Posted by on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 11:05:00 GMT