Ministering to the lost, hurting, and discouraged in any and every way that God leads me. My specific passion is showing young people that they need Christ in there lives and that there is no better way to live but in God!!
I will be SOOOOO excited when I see Jesus Christ, face to face, in all of His glory. I would also like to meet some more of my fellow, true contenders of the faith, who are doing a mighty work for God and destroying the enemies kingdom.
I LOVE music!! I enjoy almost all Christian/Gospel music .... from R&P (Rhythm & Praise) to contemporary music to latin sounds to Gospel rap ... I love it all. As long as it is lifting up Jesus and encouraging me to live a life fully committed to Christ, I'm on it. My favorites are probably Praise & Worship songs.Special shout-outs to the anointed St. Louis artists making an impact for Christ in St. Louis and beyond: Flame, J-Son, Thisl, Cho'zyn, JR, Rednote, KRy, Heaven Sent Soujas, Lyrical Souljahs, MikeREAL, Rio ..... the list goes on and on
Don't really watch it. But when I do, I like My Wife & Kids and some old school Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
The Bible, of course!! - He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado - I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
The one and only, most holy and perfect, true and living God.Also, Pastor and First Lady Andrews of Friendly Outreach Mission Church. Greg and Valerie. My big sister Candi.