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I'm a siMple cHillaX peRsOn wHo wAnts 2 liVe liFe 2 iT's fulleSt

My Interests

movies, music, carz, playin' basketball, gimiks, soundtrip, tripppin', chillin' with friends...

I'd like to meet:

peOplE tHaT cAn kEep iT rEal aNd nOt bS aBouT wHo thEy aRe. i woUld rAthEr haVe pEoplE tEll iT tO mY faCe raTher thEn hEAring iT frOm soMeoNe elSe. i loVe pEopLe thAt mAke me laUgh aNd haVe a saRcastic seNse of huMor. i liKe peOplE thAt knOw hOw tO hAvE a goOd tiMe aNd aT the sAMe tiMe, knOw wheN tO Be SerIouS abOut liFe."