stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" profile picture

stfu ALEX is a "LIAR"

I'm a pirate dinosaur!

About Me

stfu ALEX is a LIAR Beauty only gets attention , but personality captures the heart .hey I'm Alex Maybe I'll let you call me Alexis. Ask me about that one. I'm sixteen I'm a junior this year I'm very annoying. I can be a bitch so deal with it Like me or hate me, I don't give a shit I make a lot of screen names, just a warning. screen name is stfuALEXisaLIAR I always redo my Myspace. I'm sorry. But it's becasue I get bored. Like the reason why I make so many screen names.
AFI is my favorite band ever and if you have a problem with that then fuck you. Cause I don't give a shit if they're not yours.
Adam Carson is my drummer God and I don't care if he isn't yours cause he's mine so whatever. He doesn't get enough credit anyway.
I like Avril Lavigne and I don't care if some of you think she is a "poser". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's about the goddamn MUSIC not the way people LOOK! Just cause some people LOOK emo, it doesnt mean their music is...
I know I'm changing and it may be for better or for worse. I'm sorry I can't stop it. I'm a teen. I change. Sorry!
I complain a lot and I am trying so hard to change this portion of myself. I don't like me complaining a lot because I'm a hypocrite and tell others to suck it up and then I complain.
I used to actually be really, reallyxinifity conceited. It wasn't my fucking fault, though! I took everything that the kid who shattered my heart said to heart that after he moved, I had to be conceited to boost my self esteem and whatnot. Now he's gone and now I just hate myself, so I'm not self-absorbed. That's changed! Yes! I am so not that conceited anymore. Which is good. Cause in relationships you can't be self absorbed. Ya know?
I'm a fuck up. I fuck every opportunity I get up, as in I mess it up. Like relationships! Ha ha. Not funny. STFU! Go jump off a bridge. No one cares. But, yes, just ask anyone that went out with me. They'll tell you I fucked up the relationship. But one of my exes decided to take me back since the reason why I was being a bitch to him was cause of the kid that shattered my heart cause I thought I was over him but I wasn't and now I truly am although a part of me will know I'm not. It kind of takes away who you are.... Not fucking cool. But, yeah, and now I'm actually happy (but I still hate myself).
I cannot keep you from this, but don't prejudge me and label me before you get to know me. Just cause of the way I look or dress it doesn't mean I am that kind of person. I usually judge by personality and actions and I try hard not to label. I don't like cliques.
I have an open mind usually. If I have my mind set on something you can't just change it. So, seeing this, I have no problem with Gay Marriage. I believe love is love and it should be left alone and left how it is. The Constitution doesn't say: Do not love the same gender. So fuck you, you closed minded people!
I hate this country and I want to move out of it and move to the UK or somewhere else.
I cuss a lot. I apologize a lot (cause I talk to Amanda too much). I also say what the fuck ever a lot.
I am a vegetarian and I cannot become vegan because of my deep love of cheese.
Music is my life and that's no joke right there. It gets me through so much tough shit in my life that if I had to choose between blindess and going deaf, I'd choose going blind. I can't live without music.
I have random obsessions. I have an obsession for pirates and drummers and apparently blue eyes. I also have an obsession for feminine guys, eyeliner, pictures, writing, Sweden, Europe, Canada, plaid, reading, and Emo kids. It doesn't bug me that guys wear girls' pants. To me, it's hot.
I live in the past a lot and I wish I didn't. I wish I lived more in the present because I act like nothing today is happening and to me it's selfish of myself because that means I think the world revolves around me, which I do give that impression on most people and it's not really my fault I do. It's the way I think and I wish I could change it but I can't.
I can look like a total guy. I pretty much am a guy, but I do have my girly moments. I do wear skirts and I do wear dresses, but not often. So people take pictures of me in them cause I don't wear em that much.
I am forgetful and I repeat things and I'm a total freak. I name inanimate objects and talk to them and I have major bipolar issues. I have anger problems. I cry at random. I'm a kid at heart and I don't really want to grow up, but I have my mature moments. I am also really blonde and dumb at times, but I can sound smart. I apply myself selectively at school and I'm afraid of love itself.
I dance to random music. I love my retarded dance moves. I dance to video game music, like Sonic.
I'm not perfect and I never will be. No one is perfect. Don't try to be because you never will be. The object in life is not to be perfect. I heard from a very smart person on a show called Top Chef that if you think something is perfect, you'll never live up to it, and you'll never want to work as hard. So my quote I came up with: "Don't say or think something is perfect because you'll stop working, focus on how to make it better next time." You won't ever achieve perfection so stop saying you're fucking perfect. No one fucking cares. So shut the fuck up!
I probably have a lot more to add and talk about, but if you would like to just IM me. I'm really nice if you get well with me at first, but piss me off and it will seem like I'm going to throw you off a bridge. I'm easy to get along with. Just talk to me.
Before you talk to me, just not that I dislike chatspeak. Don't have your sentences all in chatspeak. Like so: i h8 u n u r a bitch n u r 2 in2 urself n i jst dont lyk u. I can't understand a fucking word you are saying and if you are so mad about something and you tell me like that, I'm going to laugh cause it doesn't seem real. Don't send me threats over AIM or MSN or something just tell it to my face! I've grown immune to hearing threats.
I support gay marriage. There's nothing wrong with it. It's love. Love is love. Just leave it the fuck alone. Nowhere, anywhere, does it say, You are not allowed to like the same gender. What the fuck? What happened to this country's fucking free?! Hell fucking no it's not fucking free. Jeez. No one can help who they fall for, okay? Okay. Just deal with it. The more you tease the gays, they're going to go kill themselves and it's hard enough just trying to fit in. closed minded people are probably like, "oh fuck yeah gays can go shoot themselves!" FUCK YOU! open mind. Didn't your parents teach you that ya goddamn redneck?! ....
I love the clothing line LIARS! Manifesto. If you buy stuff for me from there, I will love you forever.
I love concerts and I'm actually a really fun kid to hang out with. Ask anyone that has.
I'll most likely add more into this over the next week.
You scored as Emo Kid. You listen to emo. 'Nuff said. You know how to dress. You usually feel as if nobody understands you.

Emo Kid



















What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... warm
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... the only thing I desire
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... hypnotising
Your love is... everlasting
more icons soon!crash_codes

My Interests

.:Likes:. vintage adventure feminine guys guys with long hair guys with eyelinerrr danger edge tattoos piercings music life happiness "love" drums blue eyes drummers AP magazine open minded kids nice kids fun stuff role playing talking green eyes simple stuff other things

::Dislikes:: surgeries needles complicatedness silence life "love" dentist cliques commercials labels boring things school judgementals whores closed minded kids homophobes signing on and off and on people who just say oh "normal" people "normal" in general rap music haters other stuff

I'd like to meet:

A kid I can be retarded around in public and he will join me. I can run up to him in tears and he doesn't have to say anything, just hold me, he already knows what's wrong. He'll tickle me until I can't breathe. A kid who will just let me be me and won't care.



.Movies. ♥♥AFI I Heard A Voice♥♥ A Walk To Remember Black Hawk Down ♥♥Breaking Away♥♥ ♥♥The Nightmare Before Christams♥♥ Sleepy Hollow Edward Scissorhands Lady and the Tramp ♥♥Sleeping Beauty♥♥ ♥♥Charlie and the Chocolate Factory♥♥ ♥V For Vendetta♥ Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Lord of the Rings The Return of the King Final Destination 3 The Ring The Ring 2 The Grudge ♥♥Pirates of the Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl♥♥ ♥♥Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest♥♥ Scream Scream 2 Scream 3 Thirteen Ghosts Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ♥♥The Descent♥♥ Stranger Than Fiction Casino Royale Pursuit of Happyness The Guardian The Holiday Saw Saw II Saw III Underworld Underworld Evolution Maybe Memories Resident Evil Apocalypse lots more


.:.:Television:.:. CSI CSI: Miami Family Guy MythBusters ♥NCIS♥ ♥♥Project Runway♥♥ Sailor Moon House T-Minus Rock ♥Top Chef♥ Top Design maybe more


...:Books...: Artemis Fowl ♥♥Catcher In The Rye♥♥ Eragon ♥♥Gingerbread♥♥ ♥♥Shrimp♥♥ ♥♥Cupcake♥♥ Harry Potter I Have Lived A Thousand Years ♥♥The Outsiders♥♥ That Was Then, This is Now ♥Where The Red Fern Grows♥


She's basically my best friend forever. She completely understands me and I can talk to her about anything. She's like the only person who knows what the fuck is going on with me because I let her in. I trust her with my fucking life. She is the only one who takes me seriously and I love her for that. I love you best pal!
Even though she doesn't completely understand me or take me as seriously as Jessie does, she is still one of my best pals. I can count on her to make my day because of what she says and she always has a smile even though I know she's falling apart, but she lets nothing get to her and I love her like a sister.
She is one of my best friends ever and I go to her to complain about how bad my life goes when it drives me insane. She's probably sick of me complaining to her.
My cousin and my BF4L! I love my cousin because I talk to her about EVERYTHING. She and I will NEVER drift apart. I know she is there for me always.
Dude, my cousin, my BF4L. Bryson has so much wisdom and knowledge about life and love and everything. He gives me and my cousins and Whitney advice about the world and how much of a shithole it is and everything about love. It's great.
Hmm...she's like my sister and she hangs out with me almost all the time...we live at each other's houses and I can't say how much I love her like a sis. I can't say how grateful I am for meeting her because, everyone knows this.

My Blog

Do you care about me?

Does anyone even really care about me anymore....?Everybody wonders " what if" once in a while. Just hit "reply to poster" and fill it out about the person that posted this. Don't forget to be honest ...
Posted by stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 06:39:00 PST

sex talk??!

eyeliner x x luv - me mightyomg2008 - megan   Eyeliner x x Luv: oh heyMightyOmg2008: yo, i'm watching Dancing with the Stars...actually, not anymore it's over i think lol.Eyeliner x x Luv: lolEye...
Posted by stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 05:49:00 PST

Fill In The Blanks!

This is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME ... Even if you don't have any idea, and send it back to ME.  But FIRST post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you...
Posted by stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 07:41:00 PST

b.f/g.f application

Name: Age: Location: Height:  Hair: Eyes: Piercings/tattoos:OTHER: 1. Where would we go on dates? 2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists? 3. Do you drink/smoke??  4. Do you like the...
Posted by stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 05:58:00 PST

21 Questions (fill em in? it'll be fun?)

1. Your name:2. Age: 3. fave color: 4. fave movie:5. fave song:6. fave band: 7. Most embarassing moment: 8. Are you a virgin? HERE COMES THE FUN...1. are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush/attracted t...
Posted by stfu ALEX is a "LIAR" on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 11:02:00 PST