*tRuE eNouGh 2 bE mE** Stubborn and hard-hearted.- ^ -Ambitious and serious-.^ -Loves to teach and be taught. -^ -Likes to criticize.-^-Hardworking and %D%Aproductive.-^ -Smart, neat and organized. -^-Sensitive and has deep thoughts.-^-%D%AKnows how to make others happy.-^ -Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather %D%Areserved.-^ -Highly attentive.- ^ -%D%ARomantic but has difficulties expressing love.-^- Loves children.- ^-Loyal. -^-%D%AHas great social abilities yet easily jealous-.^- ** hAvE i SaId Enough?!%D%A Myspace Backgrounds
C Casual
A Altruistic
T Timeless
Z Zippy
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%D%A Name Acronym Generator
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